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他的眼光落到了玻璃镇纸的碎片上。His eye fell on the fragments of the glass paperweight.

但是王侠军和一个小小玻璃镇纸改写了历史。But Heinrich Wang and a small glass paperweight changed all that.

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但海茵里奇。黄和一个小小的玻璃镇纸彻底改变了历史。But Heinrich Wang and a small glass paperweight changed all that.

屋子里开始发暗,他转身凑着光亮,盯着玻璃镇纸看。He turned over towards the light and lay gazing into the glass paperweight.

拿像镇纸这样的重物把毛衣压成新的形状,直到毛衣变干。Use heavy objects like paperweights to hold the sweater in the new shape while it dries.

没有起爆编码,这些老式的核弹头还不如镇纸危险。Without the detonator codes, those older nukes were no more dangerous than paperweights.

他表示带解决问题涵盖了镇纸,机器人,城堡,湖泊等方方面面。He says the problems involved, among other things, paperweights, robots, castles and lakes.

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屋子里开始发暗,他转身凑着光亮,盯着玻璃镇纸看。The room was darkening. he turned over towards the light and lay gazing into the glass paper weight.

他说问题中包含了很多其他的事情,如镇纸,机器人,城堡和湖泊。He says the problems involved, among other things, paperweightspaperweights, robots, passelscastles and lakes.

就是在这种结果情况下,自动移液器与昂贵的镇纸处理没什么区别。It is just this type of scenario that results in liquid handlers that are little more than expensive paperweights.

为了不使两种调料混合在一起,调味品摇瓶两端表面开的小洞在不同的位置上。当两个摇瓶没有被封在一起时,它可以作为餐巾纸的镇纸使用。Each side has holes in different places so as not to mix their contents, and the set can be a napkin weight when not sealed together.

角落里那张折叠桌上,他上次来时买的玻璃镇纸,在昏暗朦胧下闪着柔和的光彩。In the corner on the gateleg table the glass paperweight which he had bought on his last visit gleamed softly out of the half-darkness.

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你可以把你的愤怒、恐惧、焦虑和压力写出来而不必用镇纸对带给你这些情绪影响的人大打出手。You can address your anger, fear, worry and stress without bludgeoning the person who embodies those emotions for you with a paperweight.

其实,他第一次想到这念头,全由于折叠桌面映出的镇纸,给他留下极深的印象。Actually the idea had first floated into his head in the form of a vision of the glass paperweight mirrored by the surface of the gateleg table.

杰瑞•该隐是参赛的加州帕洛阿尔托斯坦福大学队教练。他表示带解决问题涵盖了镇纸,机器人,城堡,湖泊等方方面面。Jerry Cain coached the team from Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. He says the problems involved, among other things, paperweights, robots, castles and lakes.

除刻制砚台外,贺兰石还被用来刻制成印章、镇纸、笔架等,都是雅致的文房珍品。In addition to the Yantai lithography, Stone Mountain has also been used to seal made of carved, Zhen Zhi, penholder, and so on, the text of the room are elegant treasures.

用镇纸或用图钉把具体的衣片纸样定位并仔细地用铅笔、圆珠笔或圆规标出轮廓线。Either sue paper weights or map pins to firmly hold the specific pattern part in place and carefully mark around the outline with either pencil, ball point pen or compass point.

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明清时代文人喜好室内外补壁和在案头陈设清玩,诸如书画、古琴、香炉、臂搁、镇纸、茶具等,都是常备之物。The Ming and Qing literati were fond of collecting antiques and calligraphy, classic lutes, censers , armrests, paper weights, tea wares and etc. could also be found in the study.

第二天我们在罗马参观了特里维喷泉,旁边瘦高的塞内加尔人着兜售仿冒的LV包,旁边的小贩们推车售卖便宜的吸铁石和镇纸。In Rome the next day, we stopped at the Trevi Fountain, where tall Senegalese men were selling counterfeit Louis Vuitton bags and venders tended carts offering cheap magnets and paperweights.

她有很强的形象化天赋,可以让读者通过文字形象地看到保藏在玻璃镇纸里面的蝴蝶翅膀,还有小男孩跃入水池里让人眼花缭乱的杂耍。She has a strong pictorial talent, and can make the reader see everything from the wings of a butterfly preserved in a glass paperweight to the giddy acrobatics of little boys jumping into a pool.