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或者,它干脆就是一个感念大师?Or was he just a master of empathy?

但我其时年幼无知。,现在唯有泪水涟涟,感念满襟。But I was young and foolish. or am full of tears.

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借此契机,我只想表达对亲人的感念之意。I just would like to take this opportunity to thank for my family.

我给了他一只金表,以感念他对公司的贡献。I gave him a gold watch in appreciation of his dedication to the company.

没有更多的言语能表达我对他们的真诚感念之情。There are not enough words to express my sincere gratitude to my parents.

我们希望用这样的项目唤起大家对家的感念。We expected to call their care of their families through such a campaign.

他也是感念到了慈济,一而再,再而三地给。He was very grateful for all the help Tzu Chi had given Cambodia time and again.

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早在19世纪就有人提出电磁发射的感念。Early in the 19th century, the conception of electromagnetic launch was proposed.

当地政府感念志工,特地将这天命名为慈济日。Local officials recognized volunteers by naming special days in honor of Tzu Chi.

人生越往前,你越是怀旧,越是感念以前的美好。The more forward in life, you are more nostalgic, more gratitude for the good before.

我鄙夷那些为了让人感念,在临终之际不忘惺惺作态一番的人。I despise people who on their deathbed master themselves and adopt a pose in order to impress.

为了感念母亲的恩情,我们在五月的第二个星期日庆祝妈妈节。To gratify our mother's loving-kindness, we celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday of May.

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对于王东方的帮助,金花感念,最终与王东方以兄妹相称。For the help of Wang Dongfang, Jinhua Wang Dongfang ends up with gratitude, as brother and sister.

即使是最细微的一缕芳香,也能让我的脸庞浮现笑容,让我的心在搏动中感念爱。Even the slightest fragrance will bring a smile to my face and my heart will pound remembering the love.

对于一个成长在萨斯喀彻温农村的孩子,城市似乎永远是新奇的感念。As a child growing up in rural Saskatchewan , the idea of a city that seemingly never ended was extraordinary.

由于感念自己曾经拥有许多机会,哈林顿一直满怀热情向公司所有230名员工提供机会。Grateful for the breaks she's had, Harrington is passionate about providing opportunities to all 230 employees.

这种东西也能叫电影?既然毫无感念,为什么要投放到电影产业之中?Are things like that considered to be movies? It's so non-concept why is it still being put in the film industry?

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感念匆匆而过的往事,感念那些再也回不去的时光,感念一直以来漫长的等待,更感念那段瞬间的幸福。We go back, we all can not go back in time, we have been a long wait, more gratitude for that moment of happiness.

我不但常常感念我的父母,我也常常警惕我们应当怎样做父母。Not only do I always remember my parents with gratitude, I also always bear in mind how we should behave ourselves as parents.

室内装饰一致的白色与木地板的黑色发生对比,制造出舒适感念和色调上的平衡。The uniformity of the white inside is contradicted by the dark wood floor, which gives greater comfort and a balanced brightness.