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这就是她善于自嘲的特点。There is that characteristic self-deprecation.

不要坐立不安,语气嘲讽或自嘲。Don't fidget, be sarcastic or self-deprecating.

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蓝乔闭了眼,自嘲地一笑。Blue Joe shut an eye, self-ridicule floor a laugh.

他的自嘲,几乎已经快打动观众。His self-deprecation nearly won over the audience.

自我自嘲,总意味着心有不甘。——莫洛亚。Self self-mockery, always mean heart has unwilling.

但他们很会自嘲,but they had a good sense of humor about themselves,

我绝对主张讲一个自嘲的笑话。I absolutely advocate telling a self-deprecating joke.

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我就这样自怜和自嘲下去。And so the mudding of self-pity and ridicule continued.

用一种幽默和自嘲的语气来谈论你的状况。Discuss your situation with humor and self-deprecation.

挑的好时间,艾丽西娅,我不无自嘲地想道。Good timing, Alicia, I thought to myself sarcastically.

试试幽默。稍稍自嘲一下会大有帮助。Try humor. A little self-deprecation can go a long way.

学会自嘲,在人生中极其重要。It's ver important to learn self-scorning in one's life.

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“这是一位棘手的病人,偏被我碰上了,”她笑着自嘲说。“It’s kind of a difficult patient I have here, ” she laughs.

这确实是一种嘲弄,但是在这种嘲弄之中,他的灵魂却在自嘲!A mockery, indeed, but in which his soul trifled with itself!

他在自嘲,这就是威尔斯很好地植入在影片中的。That's the comic element that inserted in a right way by Welles.

也就是在那,她遇到了亚伯拉罕·林肯,那个自嘲道“一穷二白”的人。Here she met Abraham Lincoln--in his own words, "a poor nobody then."

利用渗透系统时间进行自嘲。Self-deprecating inquiry into the time necessary to infiltrate system.

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尽管你企图自嘲自谦,但这也阻挡不了我做出以上决定。“Your attempt at derision will not deter me,” he replied with a laugh.

为自己感到骄傲,但别忘了适当的自嘲。Be proud of who you are, but don't lose the ablity to laught at yourself.

有的士官自嘲为“战场上的老虎,情场上的老鼠”。Some NCOs mockingly refer to themselves as "tigers in war but mice in love."