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我们现在到了海关检查处。Now we are at the Customs Office.

我们现在到了海关检查处。Here we are at the Customs Office.

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其他案例正在查处。The other cases are being examined and dealt with.

他很顺利地通过了护照检查处。He went straight through Passport Control without incident.

“打团伙、破网络、端窝点”,重点查处侵权盗版的大案要案。Singling out major gangs in the crackdown on copyright piracy.

警察已经查处小偷是怎么进入那座大楼了。The police has worked out how the thieves entered that building.

沈阳丑闻的调查中查处了包括沈阳市长慕绥新在内的100名官员。An inquiry snared 100 officials, including Shenyang's mayor, Mu Suixin.

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当前,治安案件查处工作存在诸多问题。In current, the work of handle the public order was existed some problems.

一是依法查处开发建设中的违法违规行为。One is investigating the development and construction of the illegal acts.

当他到达纽约时,他直接通过了了移民和海关检查处。When he reached New York, he went directly through Immigration and Customs.

对任何腐败分子都必须彻底查处、严惩不贷。All corruptionists must be thoroughly investigated and punished without leniency.

积极配合工商行政管理部门查处取缔“黑网吧”。The administrative department of industry and commerce with the ban "black bars."

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如果事故背后隐藏着腐败问题,将依法查处,毫不手软,并说「只有这样,才能对得起长眠在地下的死难者」。He also said, "Unless we do so, we will be unfair to the victims, who lie buried."

前置放大器和显示安装在口袋大小的振动查处。Acceleromater, preamplifier and display are installed in a pocket-size vibration mete.

有史以来最大规模的盗版软件查处发生于2007年7月,地点在中国南部。The biggest counterfeit software bust in history occurred in July 2007 in southern China.

依法查处致使价格过快上涨的不正当竞争和垄断行为。Illegal competitions and monopolizations shall be punished in accordance with relevant law.

认真查处违法违规和损害群众利益的问压。Investigates earnestly illegal contrary and harms the populace benefit to ask the pressure.

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治安案件查处中的量罚是自由裁量权的运用。Measurement of punishment in dealing with public order cases is the application of discretion.

欢迎欧盟投资者对中国查处侵犯知识产权的行动继续予以配合和监督。We welcome continued coordination and supervision from European investors in our investigation.

节后,国家旅游局将曝光公布典型案例查处情况。After the holiday, the National Tourism Bureau released the exposure typical cases investigated.