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阿卡维尔,血与火之洗礼!Akaviri, Fire and Blood!

他拒绝给她洗礼。He refuses to baptize her.

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耶稣是由约翰给他施洗礼的。Jesus was baptized by John.

他们为新生婴儿施洗礼。They baptized the new baby.

保罗拒绝给她洗礼。Paul refuses to baptize her.

她的孩子还没有受过洗礼①。Her baby had not been baptized.

这个教堂没有洗礼池。This chapel has no baptismal font.

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约翰的洗礼是从那里来的。The baptism of John, whence was it?

洗礼后再犯罪怎么办?What if you sin after your baptism?

我们的灵魂需要更神圣的酒水来洗礼!Our souls need a more divine libation!

这是一个洗礼心灵的时刻。This is the hour of an ablution heart.

用水洗礼听起来还不错。That water baptism sounded mighty good.

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最幸福的莫过经受洗礼。The happiest is to undergo the baptism.

洗礼赐红酒,我一饮而完God gave for baptism, I am fain to drink

她秘密地施了洗礼,加入了基督教。She secretly baptized into Christianity.

待到大雪风飞时,我再来洗礼。Until a heavy snow, I again come baptism.

你真的要给他行洗礼吗,苔丝?Be you really going to christen him, Tess?

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所以月亮已经被非正式的被洗礼了。So the moon has been informally christened.

纯净的圣水洗礼著人居的岸沿。Of pure ablution round earth's human shores.

那天,所有的教众都得到了洗礼。The whole congregation got baptized that day.