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他在朋友中间挑拨离间。He sowed discord among his friends.

他在朋友中间挑拨离间。He is sowing discord among his friends.

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他总是在他们之间挑拨离间。He always sows dragon's teeth between them.

史密斯太太喜欢挑拨离间。Mrs Smith enjoys setting people at loggerheads.

禁忌奸淫、败坏他人名节、挑拨离间、搬弄是非等。Taboo adultery, and destroy others honor, sow dissension, gossip, etc.

我认为妳是在挑拨离间阿土博士和我的感情。I think you are instigating Dr. Dirt to form a negative feeling toward me.

他们所要做的就是挑拨离间,混水摸鱼。All they wanted was to make bad blood between them and fish in troubled waters.

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这个家伙设法来这里以便为了在这个国家的我们之间挑拨离间。This guy was trying to come here in order to sow division between us in this country.

巴核扩散记录甚至会让成群结队的对朝鲜核活动挑拨离间者脸红。Its proliferation record would make the serial nuclear mischief-makers of North Korea blush.

挑拨离间者可用这些虚假的许可证冒充安全网站。These dodgy documents could allow mischief-makers to impersonate supposedly secure websites.

尽管有人挑拨离间,但是这里没有发生黎巴嫩或者伊拉克模式的内战。There has been no descent into a Lebanese- or Iraqi-style civil war, despite the provocations.

就算有小人暗中挑拨离间,但他们始终是好兄弟,彼此之间忠心耿耿。Even if a villain secretly sow discord, but they are always a good brother, loyal to each other.

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他们就是要挑拨离间,扩大分歧,以便浑水摸鱼。All they wanted was to make bad blood between them, aggravate differences and fish in troubled waters.

缅甸仇外的领导人试图在中国与印度和西方国家之间挑拨离间,以减少对中国的依赖。Myanmar's xenophobic leaders are trying to reduce their dependence on China by playing it off against Indiaand the West.

缅甸仇外的领导人试图在中国与印度和西方国家之间挑拨离间,以减少对中国的依赖。Myanmar’s xenophobic leaders are trying to reduce their dependence on China by playing it off against Indiaand the West.

到目前为止,我们大多数人基本都不再相信电视公司——因为我们认为他们是来控制别人,挑拨离间,来搞破坏的。By now, most of us had a fundamental mistrust of the TV company – feeling they were manipulative, divisive and disruptive.

你在他们二人之间周旋,见机行事,挑拨离间。设法让吕布杀掉董卓,以保住汉朝江山。You will seek opportunities to sow discord Between them and make Lu kill Dong. In this way we can preserve the Han Dynasty.

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尽管两族人民有过不快,过去他们仍互相尊重,直到里夫·塔姆森前来挑拨离间。The two peoples had respected each other in the past despite their differences, until Riff Tamson arrived to stir up trouble.

那些不法地主一面在干部和群众之间进行挑拨离间,一面采取高压手段迫使群众敢怒而不敢言。While the landlords were playing the peasant off against the cadre, they also sometimes took more drastic means to silence the peasant.

你得让员工和同事有归属感,因此不要说具有攻击性、讽刺挖苦或是挑拨离间的话。You want to give your employees and co-workers a sense of belonging, so don't make observations that are aggressive, sarcastic or alienating.