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用你们的直觉。So use your intuition.

第三种是直觉。The third is intuiting.

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这些都是很基本的直觉。These are foundational.

任凭你的直觉。Listen to your instincts.

因为这是反直觉的。It seemed counterintuitive.

就这样留心你的“直觉”吧。HEED your "instincts" thusly.

我凭直觉知道结果会是这样。I intuited such consequences.

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你的直觉说了神马?What does your intuition say?

但过去这只是一种直觉的想法。But it was a gut-feeling idea.

所以那只是好的直觉。So that's some good intuition.

那种兴趣出自她的直觉。It comes very intuitively to her

这太过于反直觉了。It seems very counter-intuitive.

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目前,我们只是靠直觉。Right now, we have only hunches.

网络逻辑是违反直觉的。Network logic is counterintuitive.

你对那婴儿的直觉真不简单。Pretty intuitive call on the baby.

你们必须养成用字的直觉。You must develop a feel for words.

你伶俐、精明、直觉好。You're smart, cunning, instinctive.

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你的直觉就是你的第六感。六级查分。Your intuition is your sixth sense.

她相信她的直觉和她的决定。She trusts her gut and her decision.

这种直觉从何而来?Where do those intuitions come from?