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那座古塔正在修缮中。The ancient pagoda is undergoing repairs.

大规模的修缮工作正在进行。Extensive repair work is being carried out.

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得有人来修缮一下压腿机。Someone needs to fix the leg press machine.

与我家相邻的房子正在修缮。The house adjacent to ours is under repairs.

这个比赛场地急待修缮。The competition arena is badly in need of repairs.

房屋将被修缮,并且新的房屋将被建立。Houses will be repaired, and new ones will be built.

我们得把房子修缮了后才能出售。We shall have to fix the house up before we can sell it.

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当时,修缮金字塔似乎还是个不错的主意。As with all makeovers, it seemed a good idea at the time.

该馆在经过历时三年的漫长修缮后刚刚开放,是中国游客最想去的地点之一。Having just opened its doors after an epic-long three-year

它建于1535年清朝年间曾重新修缮过。It was built in 1535 and restored during the Qing dynasty.

屋主石正光表示,非常感谢上人,给我修缮这个屋顶。I'm very grateful to Master Cheng Yen for giving me this new roof.

他还筑了路,修缮房屋,借贷给困难中的人。He also paved roads, repaired houses, made loans to people in trouble.

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在加州的橘子郡,他们还将为退伍军人修缮房屋。In Orange County, California, they’ll renovate homes for our veterans.

基础设施建设包括修缮35000所学校,帮它们实现现代化。Infrastructure projects include repairing and modernising 35,000 schools.

今年秋天,他们花了2个周末修缮在弗吉尼亚Jonesvilles的房子。They spent two weekends this fall, repairing homes in Jonesville, Virginia.

从1956年开始,豫园经过多次修缮,重现其昔日光彩。The Garden regained its splendor after several renovations starting from 1956.

新房东搬进去之前,父亲进去做了一些修缮的工作。Before the new owners were to take over, my Father did some repair work inside.

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战争之后我真心想做的是修缮我母亲的房屋并刷上油漆。After the war what I really want to do is repair my mother's house and paint it.

7月10日,伦敦交通局发动道路工作组,有计划地修缮人行道。On July 10th TfL launched the Roads Task Force, with plans to spruce up pavements.

直到5月31号,你都有它们相助,你可以完成你的与家庭有关的计划,搬迁,修缮都可以。You will have until May 31 to complete your home-related project, move, or repairs.