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我渴望着漫游丰功伟绩的圣地。I longed to wander over the scenes of renowned achievement.

自然对共和国的60年的历程及其丰功伟绩少不了要称颂一番。Naturally, the 60 years of the Republic and what it has done are extolled.

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血与火的悲壮历史,缅怀抗日先烈的丰功伟绩,弘扬中华民族伟大的抗战。Review the buskined history of fire and blood, to recall the great feats of.

现在世界政坛开始聚焦她的丰功伟绩。Now the political world has begun to focus on the immensity of her achievement.

对于波尔图最近十年取得的丰功伟绩,其球迷理应感恩戴德。Porto fans should be grateful for what Porto has produced over the last decade.

玩家可以查阅它来了解回忆自己过去的那些丰功伟绩。The player can read through their progress and remember the feats and choices of their past.

遗憾的是,我们实际上对一位有着如此丰功伟绩的伟大努比亚君主的模样几乎一无所知。A pity, then, that the great Nubian who accomplished these feats is literally faceless to us.

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我对舍甫琴科在米兰的丰功伟绩很尊敬,但是我来到这里就是为了开创我的时代的。I have a big respect for Shevchenko who wrote big history at Milan, but I'm here to write my own history.

世上有些丰功伟绩之所以能够缔造,是因为有些人不够“聪明”,不知道那些原是不可能的。道格。拉森。Some eof the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible.

一批跟随郑和下西洋的回族穆斯林,分别从各自不同的角度为这一永载史册的壮举立下了丰功伟绩。Some Hui Muslims followed Zheng He and made tremendous contributions to this magnificent feat in various aspects.

在这场战争中,德意志人民取得的丰功伟绩和我们家园所承受的苦难都是历史上独一无二的。The fighting achievements of the German people in this war and the suffering in the homeland is unique in history.

1924年,为追怀辛亥革命的丰功伟绩,在打响首义第一枪的武昌建成“首义公园”。In 1924, Shouyi Park was built on Snake Hill, Wuchang, to commemorate the heroic achievements of the 1911 Uprising.

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但正在这种完成丰功伟绩的方式让弗格森成为了一个如此独特的人物。It is the manner in which this formidable feat has been achieved, however, that makes Ferguson such a unique figure.

让我们每个中国人都想起革命老前辈为了新中国的成立立下的丰功伟绩。Let us think of every Chinese person old revolutionary founding of new China in order to set a tremendous achievement.

用严肃或庄重的语言写成的叙事长诗,歌颂传奇中或历史上英雄的丰功伟绩。An extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero.

他战胜三角洲地区众多小国的丰功伟绩,被记录在凯旋石柱之上。这根石柱目前保存在埃及博物馆中。His unprecedented victory over Libyan kinglets of the Delta was recorded on a triumphal stela, now in the Egyptian Museum.

听到噩耗后,当即书写了另外一幅字“丰功伟绩,谢晋导演永垂不朽”。After hearing the sad news, wrote other character immediately "the great achievements, Director Xie Jin has been immortal".

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人们不禁要问,如果谷歌背后的风投机构当初没有逼迫谷歌雇佣一位外来CEO的话,也就是说如果谷歌创始人拉里•佩奇还是CEO的话,那么施密特在总裁和首席运营官的位置上,是否也可以把他在谷歌的诸般丰功伟绩做得一样好?Could Eric Schmidt have accomplished everything he did at Google as president and COO just as well with Larry Page remaining CEO?

虽然这两位是在不同教练带领下的不同时期的前锋,但这两人的丰功伟绩确保了他俩占去了两个十年最佳中锋的名额。The pair's exploits, albeit in differing circumstances under different managers, secured them the two striking berths in this side.

森鸥外是日本近代文学史上的大文豪,在推动日本近代文学发展方面建立了丰功伟绩。Moriougai, an eminent writer in the history of modern Japanese literature, accomplished much in promoting modern Japanese literature.