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设计并绘制开瓶起子的零件图。Finish the detail drawing of a bottle opener.

另附有十字型,一字型起子头各一支。Cross-followed, each one a head-shaped screwdriver.

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苏格兰威士忌酒,还是起子酒或马丁尼酒?What would you like to drink?A Scotch, a screw-driver or a martini?

简介。螺丝起子的倒角,起子前端锥度加工。Suitable for screw driver chamfering and fore-end coning processing.

如果你在这个环节挂了,说明你的起子不绝缘。If you're dead at this point, you didn't use an insulated screwdriver.

由起子手上抓着鱼干,呆呆地注视着京美。From screwdriver hand up grasp dried fish, foolishly look at a city beautiful.

“他有多麽混乱的一天。”用起子捣的那个小子说,然后,他开始用起子搅他的胃。"He's having a Xed up day" says the stabbing guy after he'd stepped on his stomach.

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镍镉电池的适用对象无所不包,从无线起子机到紧急照明灯皆有。NiCad batteries have powered everything from cordless screwdrivers to emergency lights.

一只合适的具有很多种类螺丝头的多功能起子是你最好的办法。A decent multi-head screwdriver with a wide assortment of screwdriver heads is your best bet.

在中国好多社会活动中,让烟是友好的表示,是打开话匣的起子。At many social functions, offering cigarettes is considered a goodwill gesture and a conversation starter.

起子头车铣复合一体机可以经过一次装夹完成对批头一端的车削、铣削等多道工序。The CNC machine can finishi turning, milling etc much more process by once clamping on the one end of the bit.

当今世界上最轻的电动起子使用无碳刷马达最适合在无尘室环境里使用。The lightest electric screwdrivers around the modern world. Brushless motor used is most fit for operating in clean-room circumstance.

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由起子默默地看着京美的眼睛,四目交接,迸裂出冰冷的火花。Eyes that are silently looking at city the United States by the screwdriver, four eyes hand over to answer and split a spark of iciness.

2006年4月2日,纽约,罪犯劳夫•菲利普斯用一个罐头起子在监狱厨房的天花板上钻出了个洞,随后破洞而出。Ralph "Bucky" Phillips escaped from prison on April 2, 2006, in New York, by cutting through the ceiling in the kitchen with a can opener.

因为我没有岩鎚或岩钉起子来把它除去,只剩微渺希望能自由攀登开始的这一段。Since I didn't have a hammer and piton to remove the old pin, there was little hope of being able to free climb past this initial section.

此款电动起子分为RB直线型及TB枪型两系列,二者都适用于高扭力需要的生产线。Among those, there are two series, RB series and TB series. Both series are best fit for assembling high-toque-needed products on production line.

一旦开发者认识到这一点,我们会说明一个Accessor可以向上给逻辑层发起子请求,以允许它们创建复合软件系统。Once developers see this we show that an Accessor can issue sub-requests up into the logical level allowing them to create composite software systems.

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武鸿三让红姨去劝解青霞,面对孩子们的事情,他也不知道该怎么办,直到红姨说起子良回来了才开心了一点。Wu Hongsan let red aunt to propitiate Qingxia, facing their things, he didn't know what to do, until the red aunt said driver came back to a good happy point.

两手抓着瓶子,我把瓶颈放在拴在墙上的黄铜起子的下面,瓶盖儿落在一个木头盒子里,我伸手把它捡了出来。With two hands, I positioned the bottleneck under the heavy brass opener that was bolted to the wall. The cap dropped into an old wooden box, and I reached in to retrieve it.

我们邀请您一同来参与,与我们同心合一地求上帝在大马兴起子民来行公义好怜悯,并一手经历上帝的真实美善。We invite you to join us in prayer hand in hand. We pray that the Lord will raise up His people to act justly and to love mercy, and experience the good and kindness of our Lord on first-hand.