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军队土崩瓦解了。The army fell apart.

这一地区性集团已土崩瓦解。This regional bloc has fallen apart.

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果真那样的话,销售会土崩瓦解,经销商亦会揭竿而起。Your sales would collapse, and your dealers would revolt.

事实上,它可能是截短作为线圈土崩瓦解。In fact it was probably truncated as the coil disintegrated.

显然,这些原则在希腊这样的国家已土崩瓦解。Clearly, these tenets are already disintegrating in a country like Greece.

法国左翼对于对DSK的审讯即将土崩瓦解表现得超级兴奋。France’s left is beyond elated by the impending collapse of the DSK trial.

早早晚晚,这种生活会土崩瓦解,可凯文并布在乎。Sooner or later, it might all come crashing down. But Kevin did not really care.

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戈尔巴乔夫返回克里姆林宫,但他的权力和他的国家却土崩瓦解了。Mr. Gorbachev returned to the Kremlin, but his power and his country slipped away.

她说如果没有端粒的话,染色体及其所携带的基因将土崩瓦解。She says without telomeres the chromosome and the genes it holds would come apart.

这个法案将在你意识到这是一种白痴的闹剧时土崩瓦解。It's when you realise this is the sort of idiocy in play that this law falls apart.

腐败,裙带关系,徇私枉法以及贪污都将土崩瓦解。The corruption, nepotism, favoritism, moneyembezzlement, all and all will fall apart.

他们的形象顷刻间土崩瓦解,因为大众不喜欢输不起的人。And their image can be spoiled in just few seconds. The public doesn't like sore losers.

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首先,在七十年代那些巨头公司开始步履维艰,同时美国经济土崩瓦解。First, in the seventies those huge companies started tottering, while the U.S. economy fell apart.

但近十年末,库萨精心搭建的“空中楼阁”开始土崩瓦解。But by the end of the decade, Kusa's carefully constructed house of cards had started to fall apart.

但近十年末,库萨精心搭建的“空中楼阁”开始土崩瓦解。But by the end of the decade, Kusa’s carefully constructed house of cards had started to fall apart.

当德帕面对这丛林战争的混乱场面时,她意识到,科洛桑的清规戒律早已土崩瓦解。Depa learned that the strict rules of Coruscant collapsed when faced with the chaos of a jungle war.

当我沿着26英里的赛道一路奔跑时,多少先入为主的偏见即将土崩瓦解。I thought about how many preconceived prejudices would crumble when I trotted right along for 26 miles.

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本人们的仇敌觉得美国是脆弱和物欲横流的,本人们会在惊骇和自私面前土崩瓦解。Our enemies believed America was weak and materialistic, that we would splinter in fear and selfishness.

而当中央政权衰弱时,外围区域往往土崩瓦解,而中华腹地则易遭入侵。When central authority was weak, these fringes broke off – leaving the heartland vulnerable to invasion.

但是与迅速撤军造成的权力真空和土崩瓦解相比,这将是个胜利。But compared with the power vacuum and disruption created by suddenly pulling out, it would be a triumph.