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把火关小并慢慢搅拌干菜与玉米淀粉混合物。Reduce heat to a simmer and slowly whisk in stock-cornstarch mixture.

使用混合干菜,你自己不要把各种食材混乱的混合到一起煮。Use dry mixes instead of trying to toss together all the spices by yourself.

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把剩下的28盎司干菜加水在中号炖锅中用高火煮沸。Bring remaining 28 ounces stock to a boil in a medium saucepan over high heat.

这是干菜和所作的创伤,而且是众所周知的愈合和治疗能力。It is dried and delivered by the milkman and is known for its healing and therapeutic ability.

我加工厂大量销售野生蕨菜干,小山竹笋干,芥菜干,霉干菜,长豆角干。I plant a large number of sales of wild fern stem, shoot dry hills, dry mustard, molded dried vegetable, long beans dry.

对于这个问题的回答将是对方接受还是持谨慎观望态度,或者干菜拒绝你的要求。Your ability to answer this question to their satisfaction will lead them to accept or to be cautious and reserved, or possibly even to reject.

霉干菜味道鲜美,是绍兴的传统特产,用它来煮笋、烧鱼、炖鸡、蒸豆腐,样样入味。Pickled dry vegetable is a traditional local product of Shaoxing, which is delicious when cooked with bamboo shoots, fish, chicken or bean curd.

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当然,最有名的要数霉干菜焖肉,此菜由霉干菜与五花肉组成,配以绍酒、糖等佐料,先焖后蒸而成。Among, the most famous is to cook it with streaky pork, with the assistance of Shaoxing wine and sugar, braised and then steamed, the dish is made.

可根据实际场地和需要,灵活设计成干菜层、多层、充分利用空间。Could be designed as two levels or multiple levels according to the space and your needs so that maximum utilization of the space could be achieved.

同时,也应该加强对干菜储藏期管理,努力减少和控制虫害的发生。Meanwhile, we should strengthen the managements of thedried vegetable during the period of storage, and control or reduce the pests to occur effectively.