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而大多数人的不幸福极值在40到50多岁,全球平均值为46岁。The global average is 46.

经济学家经常碰到的是求整体极值。Economists are usually interested in global extrema.

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现在的问题是我们怎么知道这就是一个极值点?The question should be how do we know if it is a maximum or a minimum?

锯齿型氮化硼纳米带的化学势在特定宽度出现了极值点。The chemical potential of h-ZBNNR appears a maximum at a certain width.

小波变换模的极值点常对应于信号突变点。Usually, wavelet transform module maximum accords with saltation points.

我们将不断地得出关于整体极值的某些有用的结果。We shall subsequently obtain some interesting results on global extrema.

本文给出调和函数极值原理的一种推广。The note gives an extension of extremum principle for harmonic functions.

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对于指标的无量纲化处理,本文主张采用极值化方法。The paper advocates using extreme method for non-dimension of indicators.

极值理论最常用在估计极端事件的尾端机率分配。The EVT is most useful in estimating tail probabilities of extreme events.

第二步是利用极值理论模型拟合信用损失的尾部分布。The second step is by using EVT to fit the tail of credit loss distribution.

判别函数极值的方法是数学分析中的重要组成部分。Extreme function analysis of the mathematical method is the important component.

最后还给出了义乌游泳馆屋盖上的前10个最小极值风压。Finally, the top ten extreme pressures based on statistical technique were given.

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机械化学协调作用时,去除率始终保持极值去除。As chemical-mechanical synergetic effects are optimal, the removal rate is extremum.

第一个是基于小波框架模极值密度的分类算法。The first one is based on the density of the discrete wavelet frame modulus extrema.

它们满足确定的局部-全局极值性。Functions belonging to these classes satisfy certain local-global minimum properties.

由于应用了自适应搜索技术,局部搜索能够快速找到局部极值。The adaptive search technique enables local search to head for local extrema quickly.

历年气候干旱指数平均为0.002,极值出现在下游的民勤地区,达0.581。The average arid index was 0.002, with a maximum of 0.581 in the lower Minqin region.

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在中国东部,平均降水强度极值出现的范围趋于扩大。In eastern China, much above normal mean intensity of precipitation tends to increase.

这在一定程度上揭示了各极值原理间的相互关系。It has revealed the relations of every extremum principle each other in certain extent.

从另一个侧面揭示了物质系统自主演化的极值律。Disclose the extremum law of self-evolvement in the material system from another aspect.