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年试题中表达“妹妹走向河边阿福跟随。My sister went to the river and A Fu followed her.

法文中表『情绪』的luné一字,同样也源自luna。One French word for mood, luné, also comes from luna.

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他们家从布赖恩-博鲁小时候起就一直是中表结亲呀。And they've been intermarrying since Brian Boru was a boy.

通常,我使用与数据库中表相同的名字来命名。Typically, I'll give it the same name as the database table.

又可以在各种话题中表达一种中立的回答。or perhaps an uncommitted response in a variety of subjects.

评审工装和检具价格分解表-同RFQ中表。Review the tooling and gage breakdown. as submitted in the RFQ.

这就是我们现在正在做的事情,按时且如承诺中表明的一样。And that is exactly what we are doing, as promised and on schedule.

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插图中表明了结合管理层的战略到战术的联盟Illustration locates the strategic to tactical alignment aligned with management layers

结果显示,转Bt基因水稻“克螟稻”花粉中表达Cry1Ab杀虫蛋白,且表达量较高。The results showed that the pollens of KMD1 and KMD2 can express Cry1Ab protein highly.

方法用改良三维实验检测86株阴沟肠杆菌中表型可疑产酶的菌株。METHODS Three-dimensional test was performed to detect the phenotype of 86 screening strains from E.

此时您就已经完成了数据库中表的创建,可以开始向表中填入数据。At this point you are done creating tables in your database and can start populating the tables with data.

使用排序堆的操作示例包括内存中表的散列连接和操作。Examples of operations that use the sort heap include hash joins and operations where the table is in memory.

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表见证明制度是证据制度理论中的一个重要组成部分,在国外的证据制度中表见证明具有很高的理论地位。The Prima Facie Bewies theory is an important part of the proof system. It has a high position in the proof system abroad.

一个表达式表是一个包括至少一个逗号的元组,它的长是表中表达式的个数。An expression list containing at least one comma yields a tuple. The length of the tuple is the number of expressions in the list.

使用多元复合函数微商法则,导出拉普拉斯算符在柱面坐标系和球面坐标系中表达式。The Laplacian in the columnar and spherical coordinates is deduced by using the derivative principle of the multivariable functions.

在胃癌的发生过程中表观遗传学的作用越来越受到人们的重视,特别是DNA甲基化改变的临床价值已被广泛接受。More and more researchers start to focus on epigenetics changes in gastric cancer. The clinical value of DNA methylation changes was recongized widely.

在试用期间,无论是公司还是员工都可以根据合同中表明的条款和条件终止雇佣合同。During the Probationary Period, either the company or the employee can terminate the employee contract by following the terms and conditions indicated in the contact.

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通过室内均质土柱试验,对不同灌水处理土壤中表施和灌施溶质的迁移规律进行了研究。Nitrate transports, under surface application and chemigation, in soils treated with different irrigation patterns were investigated with disturbed soil column in laboratory.

不同的插花作品,根据它的造型、使用的花材、颜色的搭配的不同,可以放于不同的环境中表达一种特点的情感。Different flower arrangement, according to its shape, the use of material, different color is tie-in, can put in different environments to express a feeling of characteristics.

上帝设立救赎计划,要在全宇宙面前维护祂的公义与尊荣,从祂的律法无法遵守的虚谎控告中表明祂圣名的清白。The plan of salvation was designed by God to vindicate His justice and honor before the universe, and to clear His name from the lying accusation that His law could not be obeyed.