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正弦和余弦都是有限大小的数sine and cosine are definite numbers.

我还听到了余弦,还有正弦。I hear some cosines. I hear some sines.

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正、余弦定理内在丰厚,用处普遍。Is, Cosine rich content, wide range of uses.

假设我们同时绘制正弦和余弦曲线。Let us plot both the sine and the cosine curves.

他们又去试了试余弦,也不行。And they tried to run it, and it ran a long time.

上面,我们在同一图中绘制了正弦和余弦曲线。Above, we plotted both the sine and cosine on the same graph.

直线、正弦线和余弦线是三种典型的扫描轨迹规划。Line, sine, and cosine are the three typical scanning path schemes.

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瞭解如何通过增加正弦和余弦来制造各种不同形状的波。Learn how to make waves of all different shapes by adding up sines or cosines.

我是一名统计学家,“余弦学者”,如果你觉得这个表达有趣的话。I am a statistician, a "cosine academic, " should you find the expression amusing.

离散余弦逆变换是MPEG-4视频纹理解码中运算时间开销最大的部分。Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform takes the most of time in MPEG-4 video decoding.

你应该知道一些简单函数的导数,比如正弦函数和余弦函数Then you're supposed to know derivatives of simple functions like sines and cosines.

我们还可以通过解出式中余弦的方法,得到两向量间的角度。And, we can use that to measure angles between vectors by solving for cosine in this.

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甚至能用三角函数计算,包括正弦和余弦。Google can even work with trigonometric functions, including sine and cosine. Google.

每一个组件都是一种算数指令,诸如加、减、乘、余弦、正弦。Each module was an arithmetical command such as add, subtract, multiply, cosine, sine.

妳丝绒般的头发包含了上千线条,根本无法以「离散余弦」来匹配。Your silky hair contains a thousand lines, hard to match with sums of discrete cosines.

提出了一种在实验室中产生双曲余弦-高斯光束的简单方法。A simple method has also been proposed to produce Cosh-Gaussian beams in the laboratory.

用硬件实现的快速的离散余弦逆变换对于提高MPEG解码处理的速度是至关重要的。A fast, hardware based IDCT implementation is crucial to speed the MPEG decoding process.

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被限定的余弦函数之反函数叫做反余弦函数。The inverse function of that restricted cosine function is called the arccosine function.

研究了同轴分区相位板对双曲余弦高斯光束焦点区域光强分布和焦深的影响。Focal depth of hyperbolic -cosine-Gaussian beams induced by a phase plate was investigated.

本文介绍了余弦窗函数,并将其应用到平面波综合技术中。The cosine window function is introduced and applied in the plane wave synthesis technique.