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注文及十九、二十两卷是陶弘景所作。Annotations and the last two volumes were written by Tao Hongjing.

其对于道学义理之发扬,则是存乎注文、传文当中,未尝敢凌驾于经典圣言之上。He propagates the truth in the annotated text, doesn't dare to surmount the classics.

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同样,在正文与注文的清理及校点工作方面,也有大量的工作要做。Likewise, great efforts are needed in regard to the sort-out of the text and annotations.

烿然,他们是英国人,但是他们的父是德国人,这也是他们怿注文和艺术的原因。They are British to the backbone, of course, but their father was German, which is why they care for literature and art.

漏注或认为注文都不确切的地方,编者则作补注。Fourthly, the editor supplement the annotation where leaks the note or the annotations all inaccurate he thought in the book.

这五种注释规范各有优缺点,相比较而言,尾注脚注文中注结合注的优点较为突出,在进一步修订的基础上,可在全国加以推行。Each has its advantage and disadvantage. In comparison, combination of all is superior, which can be promoted nationwide after further amendment.

同样,在正文与注文的清理及校点工作方面,也有大量的工作要做。Likewise, there is still much to do in terms of sorting out the book's main body and notes, and there is much checking and punctuating to be done.

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该书注解简洁,部分注文精辟且有新意,对后世注解医经产生了一定影响。The annotating notes of this book is very concise, in which some of them have influenced the descendents in somed degree both in home and abroard.

补注的内容包含一些对赋文坚涩难懂之处的注释,但主要还是针对注文史料进行的。The content of mending note includes some explanatory note to the hard vocabulary , But our mending notes carried mainly on the historical data of the explanatory notes.

通过考察注文中所引书目,可以蠡测高诱时代的著书及其流传情况,并探求其在文献学上的价值。An investigation into the bibliography of the quoted books in Gaoyou's annotation can reveal the writing of books in DongHan dynasty, the spreading of books and the value of philology.

借款人须在该结算书的副本上签注文字,表示已经收到该结算书的正本,并将经如此签注的该结算书副本交回该放债人。The borrower must endorse on the copy of the statement words to the effect that he has received the original of the written statement and return the copy as so endorsed to the money lender.