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美工图案无法完成此作业。Clipart cannot complete the operation.

如果你是个程序员,只要找个美工就可以了。If you are a programmer, just get an artist.

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他同时也负责战网的框架美工。He also painted the box art for the Diablo Battle Chest.

有设计、美工方面2年以上工作经验。A design, graphic aspects above 2 years working experience.

假设你的美工半途离开。Just imagine your artist leaves halfway through the project.

专业的网站策划队伍、专业的美工设计师。Professional Web site planning team, a professional graphic designer.

大东毕业于复兴美工的广告设计科。He graduated from Fu Shin High School and studied Advertisement Design.

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这个小组承担了游戏的美工设计任务。The team undertakes the task of designing graphics for the computer game.

宫殿的内外景展现了美工设计和场景布置的奇妙之处。The palace interiors and exterior are a wonder of design and set decoration.

美工、图片、动画等等,引导用户随你的思维进行。The artists, pictures, animations, etc, and guide the user with your thinking.

一个优秀的网站,需要将优秀的美工和优秀的代码巧妙的融合在一起。An excellent website takes a particularly savvy blend of both great design and great code.

我以前上书信写作的课,要上数据搜集的课,还要上美工课。I was able to do letter writing, I was able to do data collection, and do a product there.

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如果你是一位SEO顾问,那么与一位美工或者电子商务专家交叉推广。If you are an SEO consultant then cross promote with a graphic designer or e-commerce specialist.

你们公司主要设计者和美工是谁?他们的背景,取得过什么成就?。Who are some of your major designers and artists, and what is their background or accomplishments?

不过在美工设计阶段,我觉得我们成功地减了肥,最终完成了我们的视觉导向。However, during this aesthetic pass, I feel we trimmed the fat and completed our solid visual direction.

随着时间推移,他越来越可爱,因为美工赋予了它,越来越多婴儿的特点。Over time he gets cuter and cuter and cuter as the artist converged on more and more baby-like features.

随着时间推移,他越来越可爱,因为美工赋予了它,越来越多婴儿的特点。Over time he gets cuter and cuter and cuter as the artist converged on more and more baby-like features.

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请美工协助制作海报、宣传单、宣传卡、会员卡、设计、卡通杯及代金券。Pl. Artist to assist make the POP, newsletters, Membership Card, T-Shirt design, Glass, and cash voucher.

刀片订做,特殊刀片,刀片加工,飞虹五金刀片厂,主要生产美工刀片、食品刀片、不锈钢刀片、异形刀片。Rainbow blade factory in China, The main production artists blade, stainless steel blade, abnormity blade.

美工部门的主管需要工程主管和研究主管在他之前完成工作。The artwork lead has a dependency on the completion of the work by both the engineering and research leads.