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定义子类使之可以在父类使用的任何地方使用。Define subclasses so they may be used anywhere their superclasses may be used.

善良的老夫妇将那个流浪儿收为义子。The kind-hearted old couple adopted the street urchin to be their adoptive son.

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恩宠是天主赐予我们的助佑,为使我们回应天主的召叫成为祂的义子。Grace is the help God gives us to respond to our vocation of becoming his adopted sons.

二狗算是魏公的半个义子,和郭割掳也是兄弟,不会允许有人欺负魏家人。Two the dog is half a son Wei Gong, and Guo also cut away brother, will not allow anyone to bully the Wei family.

李冬青认贼作父,做了猿飞的义子,猿飞很看重李冬青,要给李冬青举办认主归宗仪式。Dong-qing li RenZeiZuoFu, do the seme ape to fly, fly ape value dong-qing li, to give to god ceremony held dong-qing li.

在大多数情况下,使用一组括号可以定义子模式和捕捉匹配子模式的文本。Most of the time, you use a set of parentheses to define a subpattern and to capture the text that matches the subpattern.

对于这个对话框中列出的每个选择,以粗体显示定义子模式的正则表达式部分。For each choice listed on the dialog, the part of the regular expression that defines the sub-pattern is displayed in bold.

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聚合允许添加任意数量的扩展,而无需定义子类的所有可能的组合。Aggregating allows any number of extensions to be added, without the need for defining all possible combinations of subclasses.

罗进称自己义子被黑社会追杀,希望供货商国勇通过走私船将他带回大陆。Luo Jin said the underworld after his seme, hope that the supplier countries yong through runners will he back to the mainland.

那一年,恩肖先生去利物浦旅游,他发现了一个大约7岁的吉普赛男孩,于是决定把这个无家可归的男孩收养为义子。In that year, Mr Earnshaw travels to Liverpool where he finds a homeless, gypsy boy of about seven whom he decides to adopt as his son.

据悉,已经收养有3名义子的朱莉在去年2月时赶往灾区慰问时第一次见到了这个名叫Leah的女孩,而Leah也有望在年内领养事宜办妥之前先与朱莉和皮特一家见面。Angelina, who already has three adopted and three biological children, first met the child in February 2010, a month after the natural disaster.

又由于爱,按照自己旨意的决定,预定了我们藉著耶稣基督获得义子的名分,而归于他。From eternity he destined us in love to be his sons and daughters through Christ Jesus, thus fulfilling his free and generous will. This goal suited him.

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最后在一场战役中,宾汉救了罗马司令官一命,司令官为表示感谢而收他为义子,使他的地位马上从奴隶升为继承人。Eventually, Ben-Hur saves the Roman commander during battle. In gratitude, the commander adopts Ben-Hur as his son, instantly elevating him from slave to heir.

也许他会带我去打仗,我又在一场战斗中救了他的命,他就会解除我的奴隶身份,收我作他的义子,赐给我一个王宫,一辆战车,一套盔甲。Perhaps he'd take me to the wars and I'd save his life in a battle and then he'd set me free and adopt me as his son and give me a palace and a chariot and a suit of armour.

凤儿生完孩子危在旦夕,一直昏迷,冯先生劝大当家把凤儿的儿子收为义子,梁飞虎知道凤儿是赵元庚的五姨太,又不想让老虎山的人知道,婉拒了。Feng advised big headed the chicken son son received as a son, chicken son Zhao Yuangeng know f beam five Chiam too, and do not want to let people know the tiger hill, declined.

每一个模式定义都对应一个名称空间,虽然它可以引用和使用其他名称空间中定义的元素,但是它不能为这些元素定义子结构。Each schema definition deals with a single namespace, and although it can reference and use elements defined in another namespace, it cannot define a substructure for those elements.

不但是万物,就是连我们这已蒙受圣神初果的,也在自己心中叹息,等待著义子期望的实现,即我们肉身的救赎。And not only it, but ourselves also, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption of the sons of God, the redemption of our body.