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你不能叫这种东西肉汁吧?Can't you call it gravy?

下毛毛雨用烤肉汁。Drizzled with Barbecue Sauce.

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由于我在胡思乱想,倒翻了菜汤和肉汁。My fantasy spills soup and gravy.

用这只勺子盛肉汁。Use this spoon to help the gravy.

你把肉汁泼到台布上了。You have spilled gravy on the tablecloth.

我查看了一下锅里煮着的土豆然后又搅拌了几下肉汁。I tested the potatoes and stirred the gravy.

豹子分到了外皮、肉汁和肉馅。The Panther took pie-crust, and gravy, and meat.

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剁碎香菜、洒上肉汁或是加一些可食用的花朵。Chop parsley, drizzle gravy or add edible flowers.

奶酪浇肉汁土豆条可能不健康,但是很美味。Poutine might be unhealthy, but it's so delicious.

这道菜通常都和浓郁的洋葱肉汁一起食用。The dish is usually served with a rich onion gravy.

你想再要一些肉汁吗?不了,谢谢。很好吃,我不能再再吃了。Could you pass me more juice, please? It's so tasty.

一开始要大火烧肉,以便保存肉汁。Cook the meat quickly at first to seal in the juices.

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倒入牛肉汁,加酱油,和蚝油,翻炒。Pour beef stock. Add soy sauce and oyster sauce. Stir.

送达新鲜蔬菜,炒土豆和肉汁。Served with fresh vegetables, sauté potatoes and gravy.

在加拿大,普丁是杂烩型,加料版本的肉汁薯条。Poutine is a messy, rich version of gravy fries in Canada.

香烤和牛里脊,鲜菌,土豆泥,牛肉汁。Roast Wagu Beef, Mushroom Salad, Mashed Potato, Beef Sauce.

她用一些在黄油中炒过的面粉给肉汁调味。She enriched the gravy with a little flour browned in butter.

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如果你愿意的话,他们甚至会给你的三明治浇上肉汁。They will even pour gravy on your sandwiches if you let them.

把肉汁在冰箱中放一小时以加快冷却。Put the hot broth in the refrigerator for an hour to hasten cooling.

喷头把肉汁从我的指甲下和毛孔中冲走。Under the spray, the meat juices wash from my fingernails, from my pores.