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建城于11世纪,是铁路枢纽和河港。Founded in the 11th century, it is a railroad junction and river port.

像比利时安特卫普这样的大型老旧河港同样处于劣势。Big, older river ports like Antwerp in Belgium are also at a disadvantage.

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这是河港与巴士总站相连成船舶状的建筑物。A river port and a bus terminal are joint together in one building built in a shape of a ship.

对海南东寨港河港河口海莲红树林土壤CH4动态进行研究。CH4 dynamics in sediments of a Bruguiera sexangula mangrove were studied at Hegang estuary of Dongzhai harbor in Hainan.

本实用新型是一种海、河港口用水上助航活节式灯桩。The utility model relates to a free-floating light beacon of navigational aid on water in the sea, a river, or a harbor.

它是横贯西伯利亚大铁路上的一个枢纽城市,还是一主要的河港和运输枢纽,于1716年建立。On the Trans-Siberian Railroad, it is a major river port and transportation hub. The city was founded in1716. Population, 1, 108, 000.

为充分发挥洋口运河的集疏运功能,近期将在临港工业区外侧配套建设内河港池。With the transportation capacity of Yangkou Canal, the inland basin will be constructed in the outside of portside industrial park recently.

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加纳还在沃尔特湖建造河港,开辟内河航运网,但港口和航运设施不完备。Ghana is still constructing river port at lake volta to start inland river shipping. but the port and the shipping facilities are incomplete.

太湖地区河港纵横,集水量大,地下水位高,必须有相应的水利建设和排灌设施,并经常做好管理养护工作,才能保证农业的丰收。In Taihu District, the numerous rivers and lakes have abundant water supply, and the groundwater level is high, which are advantageous to agriculture.

愿主耶稣基督在泸州得荣耀。泸州是四川东南部一古老的河港,是肥沃农业区的商业中心。Pray for the Lord Jesus Christ to be glorified in LUZHOU, an ancient river port in southeast Sichuan and commercial center for a fertile agricultural region.

荷兰西南部城市,临鹿特丹市东南的默兹河。建城于世纪,是铁路枢纽和河港。人口07,475。A city of southwest Netherlands on the Meuse River southeast of Rotterdam. Founded in the th century, it is a railroad junction and river port. Population, 07,475.

起初,菲尼克斯河港的工作人员对一些大米袋起了疑心,叫来了美国缉毒执法特工帮助搜查,随即查获了这批数量巨大的毒品。At first, the river port of Phoenix staff became suspicious number of bags of rice, called the U. S. anti-narcotics agents to help search, then seized a batch of large quantities of drugs.

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熔安动力配套园项目位于开发区南部,紧临熔安动力船用低速柴油机项目,靠近派河港区及铁路专用线,交通物流条件优越。Rongan Power supporting park project is located at the south of the HETDA, bordering on the low speed ship diesel engine project and close to the Paihe River harbor and the special railway lines.