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我并不因为他寻花问柳而责怪他。I didn't fault a man for chasing tail.

他成家前寻花问柳。He tomcatted around before settling down.

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他们来到了全世界最有名的寻花问柳之地。They had come to the world's most famous pick-up joint.

他很高兴,她竟认为他曾经是个寻花问柳的人。Eg. He was pleased that she should think he had been a sad dog.

德国情报机构近日披露,俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔•普京曾殴打妻子,还在外寻花问柳。Vladimir Putin has been accused of being a wife-beater and philanderer by German spies.

他可以对妻子不忠,在外面寻花问柳也无关紧要。He can is opposite the wife is disloyal , go round singsong houses to also not matter outside.

有些妇女即使知道丈夫出外寻花问柳,*时依然不采取防御措施。Some wives continued to have unprotected sex even though they knew their husbands were having affairs.

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你不想结婚,直到你老得晚上不能出去为止。想想你现在还可以去寻花问柳呢。You don't want to get married, not till you're too old to go out in the evenings. Think of the fun and games you can have yet.

跟你的老公一样,我的先生也是个体贴的人,他也不在外面寻花问柳,所以对他们的联系我毫不在意。All that's just fine with me. Like your husband, mine is a truly caring person and not on the prowl . So I don't worry about his contacts at all.

源氏的寻花问柳行为背后深刻的心理动力机制是弗洛伊德的精神分析学说所揭示的恋母情结。Analyzing with the achievements of Freud's psychological study, we can find there are profound psychological motivations behind Genji's carnalism.

她的丈夫,一个寻花问柳高手,绝大多数时间呆在美国,并且后来成立了一个公司并拥有了一些地产。Her husband, a great traveler in perfumes, spent most of his time in America, where eventually he founded a firm and acquired a bit of real estate.

当年我与友人骑自行车绕东湖狂奔,沿途寻花问柳,小花小草都戴发间,快乐!Long ago I used to ride a bike with my friend rushing round the East Lake, appreciating flowers and willows on the way, wearing little flower and grass on my hair, I was happy!

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是水手,士兵,旅人,郊区居民夜间外出寻花问柳的场所。也是悉尼波希米亚的发源地,艺术家,表演家,作家,音乐家经常出没于此。But along with sailors, soldiers, tourists and suburbanites out for a night on the town, it has also been home to Sydney's Bohemia, the haunt of artists, actors, writers and musicians.

他们频繁的换工作,长期跟父母或者一群伙伴一起住,更多的精力花在饮酒作乐、观看各种体育赛事、玩电脑游戏和寻花问柳。They drift from job to job, live with parents or with a crew of buddies, and focus much of their energy on drinking, carousing, watching sports, playing video games, and chasing women.