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你是无价的。You are priceless.

她自己就是一注无价的嫁奁。She is herself a dowry.

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这个教训是无价的。The lesson proved invaluable.

学生的音乐天赋是无价的。The gift of music is priceless.

这份救恩的福乐是无价的。This benefit of salvation is priceless.

它上面记载的信息是无价的。The information it contained was priceless.

这些偶然的时刻是无价的。These encounters are educationally priceless.

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所以现在就去吧,有些东西是无价的。So visit now – some things are just priceless.

讲解是廉价的,但可以拯救无价的生命。Talk is cheep. But it can save priceless lives.

竹井乔治的穿越表演就是一个无价的例子。The George Takei crossover was a priceless one.

你问道,虽然你知道救命之恩无价可报。you ask, knowing no payment could ever suffice.

黄金有价,知识无价。Yellow gold has it price, learning is priceless.

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如今塔楼上陈列着无价的王冠珠宝。Today the tower exhibits the priceless Crown Jewels.

看着德国牧羊犬的那个眼神简直是无价的啊。The look on that German Sheperd's face was priceless.

“我的爱情是无价的,”珍妮弗·洛佩兹这样发誓。“My love don't cost a thing,” pledged Jennifer Lopez.

BINLEY的理念是真情无价,品质共享。BINLEY philosophy is indeed priceless, quality sharing.

“那件礼服将是无价的,是历史的一部分,”吴先生说。“It’s priceless to be a part of history, ” Mr. Wu said.

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四千年前的青铜杯子。这可是无价之物!BThe bronze cup was made 4,000 years ago. It's priceless!

亚伦也教许多无价的技巧并且移动。Allan also teaches numerous invaluable sleights and moves.

它是个无意义的时代倒错还是无价的道德指南?Is it a pointless anachronism or an invaluable moral guide?