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第二种是纤细的鞋楦。The second kind is the slip last.

这些鞋是用一只鞋楦做出来的These shoes were made on a last.

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节省鞋楦,降低制造成本。Reducing producing cost through last-saving.

所得到的结果都能很好地符合实际鞋楦。All of results fit the actual shoe last well.

鞋楦是制鞋工业中皮鞋款式的基准。Last is the benchmark of shoe style in the shoemaking technology.

你很可能发现下面两种类型之一、第一种就是宽版的鞋楦。You will most likely see one of two types. The first is a board last.

这肯定是家鞋店,架子上放着各式各样的鞋楦。This must be a shoe shop, it has all kinds of shoe models on the shelves.

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鞋楦是制鞋的基准,楦底部棱边在制鞋工艺中具有重要作用。Last is the benchmark of shoe manufacture and its bottom arris is of great importance.

该方法使鞋楦母模能在常规的三轴数控铣床上加工。The method could makes shoe instep mould machined by using three axis milling machine.

提出并实施了以人体足部复合模型为依据的鞋楦参数化建模方法。An approach to parametrically design shoe last based on personal compound foot model is proposed.

鞋楦是制鞋工艺中鞋型款式的基准,是制鞋的基础。Last is the benchmark of shoe style in the shoemaking technology and the foundation of shoemaking.

对其归一化后,提取其高阶矩向量进行比对,为后续的三维鞋楦设计提供必要信息。After normalization, high-order moments are compared, which is useful for the subsequent shoe last design.

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从基于曲面离散点的角度,研究了在鞋楦的数控加工中无干涉刀具轨迹生成的方法。A new method of tool path generation in last NC processing based on discrete suface is presented in the paper.

开发鞋楦CAD系统对提高制楦乃至制鞋业的生产水平和效率具有重要意义。Developing the CAD system of shoe-last can greatly improve the management and efficiency of shoemaking industry.

尽管科学家们说那只鞋塞满了草,像鞋楦一样来保持其形状,但它的确被人穿过。While scientists say the shoe was stuffed with grass, acting like a shoe tree to hold its shape, it had been worn.

最后为了方便加工过程中使用夹具,在鞋楦前后设计并添加了楦头和楦尾,着重介绍了楦头和鞋尖的融合方法。Finally, head and tail of last are designed and appended in order to use clamp to fix last during the machining process.

着重讲述它在纺织工业中的应用,包括鞋楦设计、现代服装生产和纺织机械制造等。The applications of RE in textile industry, such as design of shoe last, and textile machine manufacturing are described.

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和名称一样,在鞋的底部是一整块板,这种鞋楦能够提供很好的支撑,但是柔韧性不足。This is just what it sounds like, a board in the bottom of the shoe. Board lasts offer more support but are not real flexible.

在鞋楦曲面数字化处理中,为了保证鞋楦数字化建模的精度,对母楦检测采样数据进行预处理是十分必要的。In the numeric processing of last, pretreatment for the sampling data of mother last is vital to the accuracy of numeric modeling.

开发数控刻楦机就是为了适应品种多、周期短的现代鞋楦生产的需要。In order to meet the variety and short the cycle in the modern Shoe-last industry, the NC Shoe-last Machine Tool has been developed.