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此部分通盘考虑了各种支持选项。This section surveys the different support options.

你真的通盘考虑过了吗?。Are you sure you've thought everything over carefully?

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这件事需要我们通盘考虑。The matter invites our consideration of every possible angle.

如果是批量制造,那为什么找不到任何其它的菲斯通盘?If it was to mass-produce documents, why have no others been found?

如果是这样,菲斯通盘上的文字就成了一种无法知晓的非克里特语言。If so, the disc's language may besome unknowable non-Cretan tongue.

我们一朝不能把它们通盘考虑,以求解决之道,那我们就不要妄想能解决其中任何一个问题。We simply cannot solve any of those problems without working to tackle them all.

如果你通盘考虑,就知道我的对策是唯一的选择。If you take everything into consideration, you will see that mine is the only choice.

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如果需要绳降,通盘检查每一个绳结和锚点的安全性。If rappels are necessary, check every knot and anchor point thoroughly for its security.

我没喝到茶,当然我也没喋喋不休地把我的故事通盘说给那个年轻人。I never got the tea, and didn't gabble through much of my story to the young man, either.

然而,颜色往往只是通盘决定之后的马后炮,有时候甚至被不管不顾。However, far too often color enters the equation as an afterthought, or worse, not all all.

首先,化点时间通盘考虑一下你的算法需求,人民的资源和时间范围。First, take the time to think through your algorithmic needs, people resources and time horizons.

有些人从第一天开始就知道要做什么,有的人其实还没有通盘的考虑。Some of us know what we will do on day one and some of us haven't really thought it through enough.

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通盘资讯科技和电脑相关问题皆属资讯体例管理部的管辖范畴。All IT and computer-reldined ond issues fingl the under the jurisdiction of the MIS depfine artment.

在这个系统创新的新时代,你必须要通盘设计企业的创新流程。In this new era of systemic innovation, you must design your firm's innovation process holistically.

这块直径约为15厘米的菲斯通盘出土于克里特岛,目前陈列在伊拉克利翁展览馆最显耀的展位上。The disc, about 15 centimetres in diameter, occupies pride of place at the Heraklion Museumin Crete.

但目前在繁华经济体,对通盘这三个规模重新设置壁垒的压力正日益增加。But the pressure to reimpose obstructions in ingl three settings is now growing in hi-tech economies.

基督教是一个体系,对于事物的一种通盘考虑过的完整的观点。Christianity is a system, the overall consideration for the things of a kind of a full point of view.

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每一个都对计划有所贡献,但是他们从没有通盘考虑过。Each had contributed to the plan’s creation, but the group had never considered the whole plan together.

你无疑是极其走运的——通盘考虑一下,简直同样理想,也许更加理想。There is no doubt of your doing exceedingly well--quite as well, or better, perhaps, all things considered.

你真的以为如此吗?如果你通盘考虑,就知道我的对策是唯一的选择。Do you really think so? If you take everything into consideration, you will see that mine is the only choice.