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投资于资产演进。Investment in asset evolution.

这种主体性创作推进了词史演进。This pushed forward the creation of ci.

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反恐战争与美国-伊斯兰世界矛盾的演进U。S. Anti-terror War and the Evolution of U. S.

我们见证着风险管理的演进。we're seeing an evolution of risk management.

在它演进的背后,主要力量是什么?What were the main forces behind its evolvement?

鉴于此,对规划领域定义语言的演进进行综述。This paper gives a review on the evolution of PDDL.

它甚至能描述产业结构是如何演进的。It can even describe how industry structures evolve.

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第二章迟子建和谐的审美追求的演进轨迹。Chapter Two—The pursuit path of Chi Zijian's harmony.

如何处理DSL元模型及模型的演进?How do we handle evolution of DSL meta-models and models?

第三部分介绍发展理论的演进史。Chapter 3 is the evolution history of development theories.

这种演进是“层累”式的,而并非是“替换”式的。This evolution is stratum accumulation but not replacement.

阐释运动技术的分群演进问题。Expatiate the hiving off evolution question of sports technology.

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阐述了现代物流业演进的相关问题。The evaluative question about modern logistics industry is stated.

那些天生地需要打包到许多演进中的大型项目Large projects that inherently require parceling into several evolutions

然而,对于后面的演进的特性将主要需要新的代码。However, features for the later evolutions would require mostly new code.

一次演进表示通过生命周期的所有四个阶段一次。An evolution represents one pass through all four phases of the lifecycle.

这是首次让此类细菌演进到这种阶段。It is the first time it has got to this stage with these type of bacteria.

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软件的演进主要发生在整个维护阶段。It is throughout the maintenance phase that the software evolves the most.

它们仅仅定义了它们各自的演进的范围和进度。They simply defined the scope and schedule for their respective evolutions.

在这个地缘文明演进的过程中,当今的中国是一个关键存在。China today is a key presence in this process of geo-civilizational evolution.