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还有一些被霸气十足的神龙盘绕着。Others are coiled by daunting dragons.

参议员杰夫·弗莱克假期度得非常霸气。Senator Jeff Flake vacations like a boss.

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他姐姐也是有霸气的女人。His elder sister is also a woman of great vigor.

我喜欢科比只因为他的霸气跟王者风范!I like Kobe because of his domineering and demeanor!

漂亮就这样成为我的增高剂,培养了我的霸气。Beautiful increased so as my agent, my domineering culture.

霸气,魅力,智慧集于一身,这就是军事!Washington charisma, wisdom convinced that this is a military!

寂静的霸气,是我唯一能想到的形容词。Silent hegemonist. This is the only description I could think of.

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但还是掩盖不了你的霸气。你的舞风。你的潮流。But could not cover your aggression. Your dance wind. You current.

大夫那意思好像说科比有一种霸气可惜不会使。The doctor tells Coby the symptoms he is suffering is a form of haki.

一般人都不会说我长的帅,他们通常只会说我生的有霸气。Most people will not say me handsome, they usually only said I have you.

有些人甚至称赞这只动物看起来极其威武霸气。Some even praised it saying the animal looked extremely "mighty and powerful".

如果你想要些真正独特和霸气的杯子,那你可就来对地方了!And if you want something really unique and cool – you’ve come to the right place!

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哪一个登上成功顶峰的人心中没有傲视群雄的霸气?Which one not reaching the top of a successful person heart undoubtedly the swagger?

华丽尊贵的曲风,描述著伟大建筑中国城紫禁城之尊贵之霸气。Gorgeous and noble melody to describe the dignity and hegemony of grand China palace.

中场休息时,我告诉队员他们打得不错但打得没有霸气。At half -time , I told them they were not playing bad but were playing without ambition.

不论你是爱它还是恨它,你不能否认微软具有横扫千军的霸气。Whether you l­ove it or hate it, you can't deny that Microsoft has had a sweeping impact.

但他们形之于外的霸气、朝气和热情,在中国的社会环境下往往不能被接受理解。Yet their ways of manners are beyond the understanding of Chinese and often get misinterpreted.

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终于,有一天,她遇见了一辆英俊、儒雅,却不失野性和霸气的黄色兰博基尼。Finally, one day, she met a handsome, gentle, and meanwhile wild and glorious yellow Lamborghini.

如果你期望长子起到表率的作用,那他就一定会成长为一个刚正不阿或霸气十足的男子汉吗?If your eldest is always expected to set an example, will he inevitabey become upright and bossy?

我想东健的霸气应该是让人倾慕的、却又不拒人于千里之外的、动人的、震撼的一面。His imposing presence is an admirable, touching and stunning side of him, not overpowering at all.