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办学特色北京景山学校创办于1960年。Beijing Jingshan School was founded in 1960.

“五位一体”办学模式有其形成依据。The model of "Five in One" has its foundation.

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学校的办学条件得到了很大的改善。The new school represents a great improvement.

背到办学为主题的美容美发游戏。Back-to-school running themed beauty salon game.

加尔各答有一座私人开办的中文学校,规模不大,但办学认真。There is a family-based Chinese School in Kolkata.

爸爸有两个学生就是在家里办学的。My dad had two students who home school their children.

阳春的办学心愿终于在此时得以完成。Yangchun of running at this time wish finally completed.

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因此卡弗认为必须要到农户中去办学。So Carver decided that the school must go to the farmers.

学科建设水平是大学办学水平的主要标志。Course construction level is the main mark for the university.

有计划、有步骤地改善办学条件。Improving the condition for running a school in a planned way.

被关停的学校涉及14000名孩子,这些学校这些很长时间以来被默许存在,但缺乏办学许可手续。The schools, though sometimes long-established, are unlicensed.

国际学院有什么办学特色?What's the educational characteristic of International College?

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华师大二附中的办学特色在哪里?What are the characteristics of No. 2 High School of E. C. N. U?

二十世纪三十年代,恭亲王府被辅仁大学买下办学。In the 1930s, the palace was bought by Furen Catholic University.

办学思想特色是中医药大学特色化发展的主要内容之一。Features of school-running thoughts can be one of the main contents.

大连大学的办学理念是使每个人都成功!The philosophy of Dalian University is to make to everyone successful!

21世纪的大学,已走向社会中心办学。Running schools has been heading for social-centred in the 21 st century.

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该校与东涌天主教学校采用「一条龙」办学模式。The school and Tung Chung Catholic School adopt the 'through-train' mode.

延安自然科学院是一所定位于“三位一体”办学模式的近代理工科大学。Yan'an Natural Academy is a modern university with trinity teaching mode.

LSBF秉承以培养全球领袖为目标的办学理念。LSBF enjoys a stated mission to develop students to become global leaders.