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这一支柱将会消逝。That prop will go.

你便是我的支柱,我的幻梦。You are my pillar and my fantasy.

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细弱的支柱支撑着框缘。The frail columns bear the architrave.

我们得用支柱撑住坏了的竹篱。We have to shore up the damaged fence.

男子般气概的你会紧握忍耐的支柱。Manfully cling to the pillar of Patience.

它是资本主义最坚强的支柱。It is the strongest bulwark of capitalism.

父母是我们家的支柱。My parent are the stanchion of our family.

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在地面/底板上为锚固支柱打钻三个孔。The worker bored a hole through the board.

什么是命运水丰的4支柱?。What Are Feng Shui's 4 Pillars of Destiny?

第十一,培养宗教信仰和精神支柱。Eleven, practise religion and spirituality.

竹业是顺昌县支柱产业。Bamboo industry is a prop one in the county.

在地面/底板上为锚固支柱打钻三个孔。He bored a hole through a board with a drill.

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他是拿破仑的支柱,丹东的后盾。He is Napoleon's stay and Danton 's resource.

猪是镇商店的支柱产业。Pig is the pillar industry of the town store.

在其他地方,它们可能都被束缚在支柱上。Elsewhere, they may be tethered at stanchions.

它是人们成功和强大的一根支柱。It is one of the pillars of success and power.

他是这孩子的支柱,孩子又是他的动力。He was that child's stay, and she was his prop.

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用了一些支柱以防止屋顶塌落。Props were used to prevent the roof collapsing.

这些构成俄罗斯登陆艇舰队支柱。They are the base of the Russian Landing Fleet.

经济技术合作是APEC的重要支柱。ECOTECH is one of the important pillars of APEC.