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它高悬在喜艾拉山脉。Up in the High Sierras.

但我还可以看到山脉。But I can still see mountains.

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但这些山脉崎岖不平,光秃秃的。But these were rugged and bare.

安第斯山脉正在拔高。The Andes are actively growing.

但比利牛斯山脉应该特别干旱。The Pyrenees I suppose are dry.

我们背着背包游览阿尔卑斯山脉。We went backpacking in the Alps.

北面,南面还是锯齿山脉中部?North, South, or Central Sierras?

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这些山脉已在地图上标出来了。These mountains have been mapped out.

至少这次的比赛有很多山脉。Lots of hills, for this race at least.

岩石山脉带给我喜帨。Those rocky mountains give me delight.

所以人们开始蜂拥到阿迪朗达山脉。So the stampede to the Adirondacks began.

我们凝望着雄伟的山脉。We gazed at the majesty of the mountains.

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黑海山脉东部的齐格纳通道。Zigana Pass, Eastern Black Sea Mountains.

2004年的木瓜溪河床和中央山脉。Mu-Kua River and Central Cordillera, 2004.

勃朗峰是阿尔卑斯山脉中最高的山峰。Mont Blanc is the highest peak in the Apls.

月光把山脉染成了银白色。The moon's rays tinged the mountains silver.

中国秦岭山脉是它们的家。They live in the Qinling Mountains of China.

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他下令让他的部队出发,翻过阿尔卑斯山脉去意大利。He started his troops to Italy over the Alps.

我每年都会在三一山脉。I have been in the Trinities in every season.

或者去攀登安纳普娜山那样的最高山脉。Or climb the highest mountain like Annapurna.