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剡督岔口处向左怪。Go to the fork and turn left.

走到岔口处向左拐。Go up to the fork and turn left.

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他们把他送到岔口。They saw him to a fork in the road.

从大路岔口处分成两条路。Two paths diverge at the fork in the road.

他们在道路的岔口处分道而行。Their paths diverged at the fork in the road.

人生充满岔口,你的选择决定你的命运!Life is full of crossroads. You are what you choose.

人生充满岔口。你的选择决定你的命运。Life is full of crossroads. You are what your choose.

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在通往未来的人生岔口,你坚定地选择了这条小路。At the crossroads leading to the future, you stick to your choice of a small path.

在这个夏天从德国凯旋而归之后,尤文队长站到了人生分岔口上。Following this summer's triumph in Germany, the captain had some big choices to make.

你终于走到了人生的开端,第一个旅途的岔口。You finally reached the beginning of life, a journey of intersection. No, perhaps NO.

我们走到一条路的岔口,不知该向左拐还是向右拐。We came to a fork in a road, and we couldn't decide whether to take the left or the right.

行至天巉路岔口,有路政工作人员在此拦阻大车,要求改道天巉路。When in a fork in the road, a road staff in this arresting carts, require diversion in road.

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但是失败同样教育了我们,生活是一条道路,充满无法预见的岔口和难以预料的明天。But failure also taught me that life is a road with. unpredictable forks and unexpected tomorrows.

在我们可以继续前进之前会遇到让我们觉得非常耗时的铁路岔口和暂停灯。There are railroad crossings and stop lights where we feel its taking a long time before we can go on.

他们在3D虚拟环境中安排了147个站在一个可以控制两条铁轨的铁轨岔口的志愿者。They placed 147 subjects in a 3-D virtual environment where they are in front of a railroad switch controlling two tracks.

我们都有可能走向这样的岔口,那就是多做一点可能导致不同寻常的结果或是完全失败。We have all had the chance to go out on the limb, do something extra that might result in extra ordinary results or in total ruin.

人生是一条有无限多的一个岔口,每个人都要不停地做选择,而不同的选择也必定造就不同的人生。Life is an infinite number of a fork, each person must constantly make choices, and different choices will surely bring a different life.

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我们曾在道路的岔口处相遇了片刻,可我有那携带你着穿过这拥挤的世界,穿过迷魂阵般路途的力量么?For we have met for a moment in the crossing of the roads. Have I the power to carry you through this crowd of worlds, through this maze of paths?

众人来到一处分岔口,有无数方向,张启山、二月红、齐铁嘴身缠丝线分别进入不同的岔道。When they came to a disciplinary fork, there are countless direction, Zhang Qishan, February red, JiTie fork mouth and wrapped into different thread.

他最终死于1865年4月1日的五橡树战役,不好意思,是五岔口战役,就在里士满的西面,内战最后一场主要的会战He was killed on April 1st,1865,at the Battle of Five Oaks excuse me, at Five Forks, just west of Richmond, the last major engagement of the Civil War.