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教堂的土地通常免征土地税。Church land is usually exempt from real estate tax.

期望立法能批准基于价值的土地税。Expectation that legislation will authorize value-based land tax.

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一切房屋、土地税均由承租方承担。Payment of all building and land taxes shall be borne solely by the Lessee.

但是,有广泛根据的土地税并非是商品税的唯一代替手段。But broadly based land taxes are not the only alternative to commodity taxes.

当问及自由民主党有关财产税和土地税的问题时,他们大谈“财政自由主义”风暴。Ask Lib Dems about property and land taxes, and they talk up a storm about "fiscal liberalism".

评定出的土地级别是国家征收土地税及制定土地政策、规划的依据。Evaluation of land is basis of the state-level land tax and land policy formulation and land planning.

土地税的计算是针对你拥有的所有的在起征点以上的土地价值。Land tax is calculated on the combined value of all the taxable land you own above the land tax threshold.

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现代期则运用一般均衡分析方法对土地税的动态归宿问题进行了初步探讨。In the modern period, economists discussed elementarily the dynamic incidence of land tax by general equilibrium analysis.

同时,上调土地税会降低银行贷款的资本化,有助于防范未来的债务危机。Raising taxes on property, meanwhile, would leave less value to be capitalised into bank loans, thus guarding against future indebtedness.

而“低度私有”又必然造成赋税基本理论少征直至杜绝土地税征收的重要特征。In turn the low-degree private owned pattern led to a basic theory of taxation that was characterized by levying a light or even no land tax.

金代桑税并非“户调”,而是金代土地税的基本内容,也是金代两税的重要组成部分。The mulberry tax in Jin dynasty was not "Hudiao" but the basic content of land tax and important component part of Two Tax Law in Jin dynasty.

但从不同历史时期关于土地税的不同规定中可以看出,在不同历史阶段中,土地税承担的社会职能是不尽相同的。From the land tax policy of different period, it is shown that the social function that the land tax undertake is different in different history stage.

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率土之滨,莫非王臣”的古老理论,征收土地税和人头税不仅具有可能性,而且具有必然性。In China, the ancient theory, "All the lands and people belong to the emperor", not only made the levy on land tax and poll tax possible, but also inevitable.

在一系列假设基础上建立的财产税税负归宿理论模型,可以对短期和长期情况下的土地税和房屋税税负归宿进行分析。The pattern on the imputed theory of tax bearing of property tax can be used to analyse the tax bearing on the short-term and long-term land tax and house tax.

另外,商用占地的税率通常也比住房和农场高,因此企业上缴的税一般来说是社区土地税的主要组成部分。In addition, commercial property is usually taxed at a higher rate than houses and farms, so businesses often pay a large portion of a community's property tax.

本文首先对土地税产生的理论依据、基本职能、发展演变历程等情况进行详细的叙述,在历代学者的研究成果基础上,总结出土地税转嫁与归宿的一般规律。Rowson and so on, all these famous economists have thoroughly analyzed the theory basis, the basic function, tax burden's shifting and incidence of the land tax.

本文从对土地的剩余征税说起,准确地分析了地租和土地税的征收主体、征收对象、征收依据、征收目的。At first, from the point of levying a tax on the surplus of land, the paper exactly analyses the subject, object, basis and target of collecting land rent and tax.

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政府的财政主要依赖税收,包括土地税、财产税、消费税及人头税等,此外还有道路通行税和各种名目的关税。Much of the government's revenue came from taxes, which included land tax, property tax, purchase tax and a form of poll tax. Tolls and various customs duties brought further income.

他的目的是加强中央控制,但是穷人们也从中获益不少。例如分级土地税、低政府借贷和征兵减员等。His aim was to strengthen the central government, but the poor also benefited from reforms such as the graduated land tax, cheap government credit, and reduction of the forced labor levy.

土地分等定级为合理组织上地利用、制定土地利用规划、合理征收土地税,确定土地补偿标准提供了科学依据。Land classification for the rational use of the organization to develop land use planning, rational land acquisition tax, determine the land compensation standards provide a scientific basis.