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那些男人。Those men.

那些银器呢?And the silver?

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抽回那些广告。Pull those ads.

那些是歌曲吗Are these songs?

那些是你的吗?Are those yours?

把那些放到一边。Put those aside.

就如那些税务。Like those taxes.

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那些都是后期发展出来的。That comes later.

那些等于性感。That equals sexy.

你们能看到那些元素。And you see those.

是因为那些僵尸吗?Is it the zombies?

看那些人。Look at the gooks.

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那些是篮框。Those are baskets.

那些是最重要的。Those are biggies.

即使是那些青春少女?Even teenage girls?

他辱骂那些男孩。He shouted insults.

那些食物好恶心。That food is nasty.

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那些叶子是大的。The leaves are big.

那些都是谎言。These are all lies.

那些二恶英的书又在哪儿呢?Those dioxin books?