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现在看你还怎么逞能?Not so tough now, are you?

指在某一方面略有知识就逞能的人。Refers to in one way or a little?

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公鸡总在自己的粪堆上逞能。Every cock crows on his own dunghill.

孩子们在跳水板上逞能。Kids showing off on the diving board.

比利,别逞能,回到我身边来。Billy, don't be a hero, come back to me.

我没逞能,短信悉数告诉她实情。I didn't try to tell her the truth, sms.

不要逞能了。没有什么值得这么玩命。Don't be absurd. No job is worth dying for.

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木兰非常伤心,她责怪父亲又在逞能。Mulan was very sad, blame her father again in bravado.

比利,别逞能,回来让我做你的妻子。Billy, don't be a hero, come back and make me your wife.

她那五岁的小女儿喜欢在很多的客人面前逞能。Her five-year-old daughter likes to act up before scores of visitors.

我们可以帮他调整一个音逞能?他唱高一点的音或许会比较好听。Can we adlust the pitch a little? Maybe he'll sound better in a higher key.

然而丹尼斯逞能地说他在波动期间睡得像小孩一样。Yet Dennis cockily said that he slept like a baby during all that volatility.

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这个逞能的叫巴塞洛缪,特别喜欢表现自己。The boy who showed off his strength was Bartholomew! He was fond of showing himself.

她迫使我感到我这么做完全错了,毫无理由,使得我别无选择只好硬逞能。She had made me feel so utterly wrong and of no account that I needed to bolster myself.

遇到了妖魔鬼怪无数,可总是那孙猴子逞能,在打打杀杀。Numerous monsters encountered, it can always be conceited monkey in Causing loss of lives.

我曾经有是如此好逞能的一位教授,在我考口试时,他问他自己最有心得的深进难题。I once had a professor who was so conceited that he practically answered all the questions he himself threw at me during a Ph.

我曾经有是如此好逞能的一位教授,他在我考口试时,问他自己最有心得的深进难题。I once had a professor who was so conceited that he practically answered all the questions he himself threw at me during my Ph.

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当你遇到危险的时候,比如我们在路上遇到的这条蛇,不要逞能扮英雄,绕过它,安全地走开。When you find danger, like this snake that we encountered on our way, don't try to play hero. Go around it and have a safe walk.

詹姆斯试图去战胜他,那只是毫无意义的逞能罢了,而媒体们却完整地大事吹捧。That LeBron attempted to outdo him later in the week was nothing more than meaningless bravado, which the media ate up hook line and sinker.

我不适合目前的市场环境,而且我不会为了逞能而尝试做我不懂的事情,我不想破坏一个良好的记录。I am not attuned to this market environment and I don't want to spoil a decent record by trying to play a game I don't understand just so I can go out a hero.