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考期临近,一些学生想打听考试内容。I want to ask you about the examination.

考期临近了,所以学生们确实在刻苦钻研。Now that the exam is near, the students are really going at their studies.

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这礼拜我要考期考,所以都在忙于复习功课,没时间整理我的部落格。I'm busy studying for the finals this week, which is why I didn't add much to my blog.

考期临近,一些学生想打听考试内容。Near examination time, some of the students fish for information about the examination questions.

考生若要某个日期为考期,须在报名截止日期之前通知艺术中心。Candidate who wishes to have examination on specific dates must inform CFA before registration closes.

我想我必须去查问下一个考期的报名时间。不会,不会放弃。坚持到底。I think I have to find out about the next exam's registration period. Nope, not giving up. Hang in there.

一旦考期已定,艺术中心将不能接受任何欲更改考期的要求。CFA will not accept any request to change examination date after examination timetable is scheduled and announced.

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工人的工资单和考期卡都是伪造的,迫于压力,工人还必须听从厂方的安排,事先就被教给了遇上什么问题该怎么回答。Bogus payslips are produced along with faked time-cards and workers are drilled on the correct answers to questions.

平板电脑是否真的是取得好成绩的关键将在未来几年,这代人考期末考的时候得到验证。Whether tablets are really the key to good grades will be seen in the years to come, when this generation writes their final exams.

平板电脑是否真的是取得好成绩的关键将在未来几年,这代人考期末考的时候得到验证。At the moment the tablets are a novelty, but with the millions of dollars the government is spending, hopes are clearly high for success.

这是一封女儿临近中考期写给前夫的一封信的底稿,虽然时日久远,但对性情中的男女或许有一定教益!This is a test of her daughter close in a letter addressed to her ex-husband, although a long time, but the nature of men and women may have some lessons!

我不想考期中,因为我觉得就是浪费时间,不过我们必须得有点什么,能让你知道你这门课学得怎么样了I wouldn't give a midterm, because I think it's a waste of time, except we have to have some sort of-- it gives you an indication how you're doing in the course.

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本文依据创作时间和对叙事主题的挖掘深度,将阿尔莫多瓦主要的电影作品划分为冒险期、思考期、成熟期三个阶段。Based on Creation time and excavation depth on the narrative theme, main films of Almodóvar were classified as risky period, thinking period, maturity period on three stages.