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我们仿佛置身于天堂!We were in heaven!

仿佛我在沧海之中。Like I'm in the sea.

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仿佛那是一生的缩影。As 'twere all life's epitome.

自那刻起,他仿佛生活在地狱一般。His life had been hell since.

爱情仿佛精纯的咖啡。Love as a cup of pure coffee.

仿佛是在指责上帝!As if he were reproaching God!

仿佛你把这个城市的盖子揭开了一样。He lifted the lid of a tureen.

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我的心仿佛垂落出胸房。My heart fell out of my chest.

我们仿佛在哪儿见过。We seem to have met somewhere.

仿佛就是一个共和政体。It is like being in a republic.

仿佛冬日的窗冰花。Like window patterns in winter.

我仿佛能够看见她们。Vestal virgins. I can see them.

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书香仿佛空气,无处不在。We breathe but the air of books.

我仿佛感觉一席暖风吹拂。In my fantasy exists a warm wind.

仿佛前世注定的一场炼狱。Something pre-ordained. A Calvary.

这话仿佛一拳打中了他的命根子。These words hit at the core of him.

仿佛在用锤子不断地捶打As if I were hammering and hammering

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仿佛是一具具僵卧在坟墓里的尸体。Each like a corpse within its grave.

我们仿佛听见了七头蛇在说话。One thinks one hears hydras talking.

仿佛电影里不详的主题音乐随之响起。Cue ominous theme music from Dragnet.