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教员给我们一小时做笔头作业。The teacher allowed us an hour for written work.

教师们评我的笔头作文不及格。The teachers failed me on the written composition.

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她喜欢用笔头尖细的铅笔,我不喜欢。She likes to use pencils with fine points, I don't.

来吧,作家和批评家,那些善于玩弄你笔头的人们。Come writers and critics. Who prophesize with your pen.

在枪头或者笔头部位可安装焊接头。In the spear or written parts can be installed welding head.

笔头会烧穿白纸,留下一个浅浅的轮廓。The tool will burn through the paper and leave a faint outline.

它是从一个笔头阐述或者陈述的有效问题开始的。It starts with writing or having an effective problem statement.

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因此他认为最好用笔头解题直到中学为止。So he believes in solving problems with a pencil until high school.

心坚石也穿。好记性不如烂笔头。勤勉是成功之母。Heart stone also wear. Or you will forget good. Diligence is the mother of success.

他没教我们语法,也没让我们做大量的笔头练习。He neither taught UsEngllsh grammar rules nor asked Us to do lots of written exercises.

他没教我们语法,也没让我们做大量的笔头练习。He neither taught us English grammar rules nor asked us to do lots of ritten exercises.

洛杉矶的自然之美以及吸引力使它获得了许多来自笔头以及口头上的褒奖。Many things have been written and said of the natural beauty and charms of Los Angeles.

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笔头作业针对大学部学生,要求提交一篇8-10页的论文。The writing assignment is an 8-10 pager and is a requirement for the undergraduate students.

当我注意到你上封信上面的日期时,不禁吃了一惊。真对不起,我是个懒笔头的人!I cringed when I noticed the date on your last letter. I'm sorry I've been such a slowpoke in responding.

电影的语言是一种特殊的视听语言,是口头和笔头语言的高度结合。Film language is a special audio and visual language, which is the combination of spoken and written language.

如果你笔头很快,将诗全部都听记下来,你也许就会写下跟这差不多的东西。Well if you were quick at writing and you transcribed the thing you might very well produce something like that.

那些和自己长相高几节的女性结婚的男人们要么是摇滚歌星,要么是富人,或有钱人,我不知道,笔头…Guys who marry a few rungs up the looks ladder are rock stars or rich or have, I don't know, beautiful penmanship.

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于是随手又抓了一张旧报纸,用笔在上面猛划了一阵,迫使笔头出墨。Hence grasped an old newspaper again with the hand, use a pen fierce rowed in the top a burst of, force a nip ink.

在我国,通过传统英语教学法培养出来的笔头还行而口头表达能力极差的大学生已经不能满足形势的需要。In China, the students taught with traditional English-teaching method are far beyond meeting the need of the situation.

本公司在国内纤维笔头生产企业中规模第一、产量第一、产值第一和销售第一。In nation enterprises which produce the fibre nibs, that the scope, the output and the sale are the first in our company.