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社会党候选人不断受到诘问。The Socialist candidate was heckled continuously.

我一遍又遍地诘问自己,在校园孤零的一角。I asked myself, in an isolated corner of the campus.

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证人受到辩护律师的诘问。The witness was cross-examined by the defending counsel.

桑德伯格说他们互相诘问对方,“你相信什么?Sandberg says they asked each other, “What do you believe?

控方律师诘问被告一方的证人。The prosecution lawyer cross-examined the defence witness.

发言人完全被诘问者扰乱了。The spokesman was completely discombobulated by the hecklers.

证人在整个反诘问过程中保持着镇静自若。The witness remained collected throughout the cross-examination.

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受到诘问诘责的教练把面包卸到可接近的路旁。The reproached coach unloaded the loaves to the approachable roadside.

她曾“被无业游民的威吓、可疑人群的诘问以及警察的追逐”。Abbott was "menaced by bums, heckled by suspicious crowds, and chased by policemen."

目前已经提出诉讼,立法者跟监管者正在诘问尖锐问题。Lawsuits have since been filed, and lawmakers and regulators are asking tough questions.

一群高亢自信的牙买加人在街上喝啤酒,还诘问过路的美国人。Loud, confident groups of Jamaicans drank beer on the street and heckled passing Americans.

不论记者如何诘问,发言人总能对答如流。No matter how the reporters heckled him the speaker always had an answer to come back with.

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当卡梅隆说在欧盟遭遇经济危机时投票是不对的时,他遭到议员们的诘问。Mr Cameron was heckled as he said the timing for such a vote was wrong with the EU facing an economic crisis.

法尔孔正试图回答,戴维斯却表现得像是一位正在诘问敌对证人的检察官。Congressman Artur Davis of Alabama demanded. When Falcon tried to answer, Davis acted like a prosecutor grilling a hostile witness.

尖酸刻薄,烦躁不安,佶屈聱牙,是诡辩家们的宿敌,时刻准备着戴上西勒诺斯的面罩提出严肃的诘问。He is ironical, provoking, questioning, the old enemy of the Sophists, ready to put on the mask of Silenus as well as to argue seriously.

苏妮诘问玛塔为什么哭,玛塔说由于她们在一同就想起了父母,拉娜姐,想到他们的喜欢再也没有了。SuNi heckle marta why cry, marta said because they together to think of the parents, Lana elder sister, thought of their like is no more.

认为是非诘问句可分为命题否定问与情态否定问。The paper believes that negation expressed by yes-no rhetorical questions can be grouped under propositional negation and modal negation.

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英浩偶尔来到利文洞,看到惠珍后大吃一惊,他诘问儿子发作了什么工作,东勋连声说对不起。YingHao occasionally came to the hole, see the HuiZhen horror, he heckle son attack any work, gentlemen say I'm sorry bother to the east.

这样的话,绝大部分听证的时间即可用来提问和进行反诘问,以澄清和验证证人的结论。The bulk of hearing time can then be devoted to questioning and cross-examination designed to clarify and test the witnesses' conclusions.

如果我们每一个行业人跳出一己之私,实现产业链的和谐之舞,这个诘问就不难回答了。If we in every industry out of the one's private ends, realize harmonious industrial chain of dance, the questioning is not hard to answer.