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视频检波二极管?。VDD? Video Detector Diode?

齐纳二极管是太不稳定了!Zeners are much too unstable!

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它通过有二极管的凹槽。It goes through a slot with a diode.

在该单元中,二极管表现为熔丝。In this cell the diode behaves as a fuse.

高温测量仪器用光电二极管。High temperature instruments use photodiodes.

电流在二极管中只朝单方向流动。The current flows in one direction in a diode.

雪崩光电二极管APD的偏压产生电路。Avalanche photodiode APD bias circuit generated.

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你可以为D1使用几乎任何一个小信号的二极管。You can use almost any small-signal diode for D1.

按这种方式使用的二极管叫做整流管。A diode used in this manner is called a rectifier.

事实上,整个网络变成了一个巨大的光敏二极管。In effect, the network becomes one giant photodiode.

硅UHF混频二极管用于全频道电视机。Si UHF mixer diodes are used in all-channel TV sets.

肖特基二极管晶圆40密耳,150伏,1安培。Schottky Barrier Diode Wafer 40 Mils, 150 Volt, 1 Amp.

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扩散结型硅二极管,1,0功率二极管。Diffused junction type silicon diode, 1,0A power diode.

冷却技术对于不耐热的二极管来说是必不可少的。Cooling is essential because hot diodes don’t last long.

我需要看的是从一个光电二极管信号。What I needed to read in wasthe signal from a photodiode.

注意不要使烙铁过热而损坏二极管。Becareful not to overheat the solder and damage the diodes.

它非常适合用于高速光电二极管应用。It is ideally suited for high-speed photodiode applications.

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后勤区域的出口标志都采用了省电的二极管。LED type exit signs are installed in the back-of-house area.

这是在低信号电平带有等效电路的二极管电路With the equivalent circuit of the diode at low signal levels

提出了一种PIN二极管的PSPICE子电路模型。A new PSPICE subcircuit model of power PIN diode is developed.