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即科学家设法将细菌困在明胶内。The scientists trap the bacteria in a gel.

软胶囊由明胶,甘油和水。Softgel consists of gelatin, glycerin and water.

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酸奶一些低脂肪酸奶含有明胶。Yoghurts Some low fat yoghurts contain gelatine.

对粘膜糜烂渗血应用明胶海绵贴附,再用艾氟隆填塞。To stick gelatin sponge on it and fill Ivalon in it.

它是一家专业生产明胶和骨胶。It is specialized in producing gelatin and bone glue.

可是因为该幅作品被晶体盐和明胶覆盖。The paint was covered by salt crystals and gelatin glue.

选择变性蛋白质明胶与甲壳胺共混。Chosing modified protein gelatin and blended with chitosan.

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栓塞剂主要应用无水乙醇、钢圈和明胶海绵。Embolic agents were absolute alcohol, steel ring, or gelfoam.

大豆油,明胶,甘油,黄蜂蜡,大豆卵磷脂。Soybean Oil, Gelatin, Glycerin, Yellow Beeswax, Soy Lecithin.

供鉴别细菌液化明胶用。For differentiating bacteria based on liquefaction of gelation.

糊精,明胶,纯净水,海运码头,硅胶,硬脂酸镁。Dextrin, Gelatin, Purified Water, MCT, Silica, Magnesium Stearate.

果冻通常含有明胶虽然替代品可用。Jelly Usually contains gelatine though Alternatives are available.

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白明胶组的某些生化损伤较对照组为轻。The gelatin group had less biological lesions than the control group.

我们不想知道明胶企业对这些骨头做了些什么。What the gelatin industry does with the bones, we don't want to know.

橡皮糖是一类以明胶为主要胶体的含酸切香型软糖。Gelatin gum is an acid candy made by gelatin as main colloid ingredient.

这表明明胶微球是一种理想的药物控释剂型。Gelatin microsphere is a ideal style of successful control release drug.

明胶,二氧化硅,硬脂酸镁,和二氧化钛的颜色。Gelatin, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, and titanium dioxide color.

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米粉,明胶,麦芽糊精,二氧化硅,蔬菜硬脂酸镁。Rice Powder, Gelatin, Maltodextrin, Silica, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate.

在食品工业中,明胶作为一种胶凝剂被使用已经有很多年了。Gelatin has a long history of use as a gelling agent by the food industry.

食用明胶具有冻力高,易融化,色泽好的特点。High power consumption of gelatin with cold, easy to melt, color and good.