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建造一个安乐窝。Build a comfort zone.

恐惧心理把我局限在狭窄的安乐窝里动弹不得。This fear confined me to a narrow comfort zone.

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因为安乐窝的存在,它是很难改变。It is hard to change because of the comfort zone.

描述这个你进来的新的和扩大的安乐窝的地方。Describe the new and expanded comfort zone this places you in.

还有一些人开始紧张经济或者开始为他们自己建一个安乐窝。Others get stressed about finances or start to “nest” themselves.

「这里是我爸爸的安乐窝,我知道他很喜欢玩枪。」在某个地方。This is where my dad hangs out. I take it he has a thing for guns.

我们走吧,当我拂袖而去,你们不可能还呆在安乐窝里。Let's go, when I leave y'all shot, you ain't gon' be on your metro.

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真是九死一生啊!”回到猴面包树得安乐窝后,兔子发出一声感叹。That WAS a close shave , " said Hare from the safety of his baobab tree."

我建议人们离开安乐窝,去到另一个世界体验一下。I recommend people to get the hell out of your comfort zone and experience the other side.

媒体的创造者,不仅仅是消费者,需要勇于跳出他们个人的安乐窝。Creators of media, not just consumers, need to venture beyond their personal comfort zones.

不过,楼价即使回落了一点,其实依然高昂,很多人仍然负担不起建立一个安乐窝的代价。Yet, property prices remain exorbitant, with the cost of a home beyond many people's means.

标志着岛国的特征的就是这种隐居的安乐窝—在这儿,人们在毫无变化的环境中养得又高又胖。Typical of some island nation was this nest of refuge-where men grew quietly tall, fattened.

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这之后我希望在睡眠中可以忘记一切,但是就连安乐窝里,也似乎没有我的位置。Then I looked to slumber for forgetfulness, but there seemed to be no room even in her world-embracing lap.

用行动来挑战恐惧。这样你将不但提高了自尊心而且扩大了自己的“安乐窝”。By challenging your fear with action, you'll not only raise your self-esteem, you'll expand your comfort zone.

在索马里兰的首府哈尔格萨一个平静的安乐窝里,女人们作着她们的发型和染脚指甲。In a cocoon of calm, women have their hair styled and feet decorated with henna in Hargeysa, Somaliland's capital.

“我们要确信你的皮肤没有油脂、污垢或污垢安乐窝,”我的美容医师诱惑性地解释道。"We want to make sure your epidermis is free of any oils, dirt or comfort, " my dermatologist explains seductively.

我希望本文能帮助一些读者走出自己熟悉的安乐窝,了解一点新的语法和编程范型。I hope this article has helped some of you get out of your comfort zones with a new syntax and programming paradigm.

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受人轻薄的年轻女人只需将手一招,就等于已经上路去岛上的安乐窝了。The persecuted young woman had but to beckon a finger and Soapy would be practically en route for his insular haven.

当你最终突破潜意识的思维模式,并且走出你自己的安乐窝时,你将变得更不可战胜。When you finally break the patterns of unconscious thinking and move out of your comfort zone you become more invincible.

它拥有数英里海岸线,和宽阔的海滩,度假者酒吧、红海龟和林鹳在那里找到了安乐窝。It has three miles of coastline with wide sandy beaches, where vacationers lounge and Loggerhead sea turtles and wood storks nest.