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我永远也忘不了我入团的那一天。I'll never forget the day.

他是在2003年入团的。He joined the League in 2003.

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三年前入团,joined为短暂行为。He joined the League three years ago.

我仍然记得入团的那一天。When I still remember the day I met him.

她申请入团被接受了。She applied to join the League and was accepted.

杰克,我的一个同学,已经入团了。Jack, a classmate of mine, has joined the League.

我对入团的那一天还记忆犹新。Well do I remember the day when I joined the League.

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她年轻时不住在杭州,是吗?他说玛丽入团了,是吗?。She didn't live in Hangzhou when she was young, did she?

你还记得你入团的那一天吗?Do you still remember the day when you joined the League?

我将永远不会忘记我入团的那一天。He will forever remember the day that he joined the League on.

听说长城很美丽.你能帮我入团吗?I have heard the Great Wall is very beautiful. Can you help me join tour?

入团仅仅数月,车毅对于昆曲的喜爱便更上一层楼,他不再仅仅满足于伴奏。His love for Kunqu Opera grew beyond just accompaniment after the first few months of joining the club.

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如果你入团,你将被授予某种权力和接近这样那样的招待会。If you join the Youth League, you will be given the right and access to such-and-such forms of entertainment.

每年有成千上万的学生、军人、群众在他的纪念碑前举行入团、入伍、入党仪式。Each year thousands of students, soldiers, memorial mass held at his piece of self, the army, join the party ceremony.

埃里与他见了面,确定了我的判断力是对的,乔治被召入团队,担任竞选副经理,负责传媒。Eli met with him, confirmed my judgment, and George came to work as deputy campaign manager in charge of communications.

每年有成千上万的学生、军人、群众在他的纪念碑前举行入团、入伍、入党仪式。Each year hundreds of thousands of students, soldiers, masses held in his memorial ceremony army, party, joined the league.

入团申请书是要求进步的青年,向共青团组织递交的表达自己愿意加入团组织的一种书信。Application piece is progressive youth organization of the Communist Youth League, to submit the expression of their willing to join League organization of a letter.

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入团申请书不仅要写清自己对团组织的认识和入团要求,而且要写明自己的努力方向以怎样的行动争取入团。The regiment application not only to write clear oneself to the mission of the organization of knowledge and League requirements, but also to indicate their direction to how actions for the league.