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但栅栏似的假睫毛圈住的眼波,却暗淡犹疑。But the expressions in your eyes enclosed by the fence-like fake eyelashes are flickering dimly.

对人眼波面象差的构成特征、影响因素以及测量方法进行了讨论。The structure, affecting factors and measurement methods of ocular wavefront aberration were presented.

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作者就人眼波前像差的研究进展及其在眼科临床中的应用作一综述。This article sums up some concepts, research progresses and clinical applications of the wave-front aberration.

事实上,男人希望女人绝不眼波流动、见异思迁,而是需要女人能全心委身于两人的关系中。In fact, men want a woman who does not have a " roaming eye" and who can wholeheartedly commit to the relationship.

术前、术后1周、1月、3月进行双眼波阵面像差的检测和分析。Wavefront aberration of both eyes were measured and compared at preoperation, 1 week, 1 month and 3 months postoperation.

正是对生活如此的挚爱才使我们的眼波流彩,使我们的步伐轻盈,使我们的心灵永不苍老青春长在。It is such enthusiastic love of life that puts a sparkle in our eyes, a lilt on our steps and smoothes the wrinkles from our souls.

分析了人眼波前像差测量的研究现状、像差测量中瞳孔自动跟踪系统的需求及现阶段的应用状况,对自动跟踪系统进行了总体设计。Based on the research of the present status of wavefront aberrometer, we do some improvement and develop the human eye auto-tracking system.

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她的嘴角和眼波中散发出温柔的嫣然笑意,似是涌自她女性的心头。There played around her mouth, and beamed out of her eyes, a radiant and tender smile, that seemed gushing from the very heart of womanhood.

海浪拍打着海堤上那奇形怪状的礁石,溅起白色的浪花,像是千万道明亮的眼波,凝视着春天的秀色。The waves crashing against the seawall on the grotesque rocks, splashing waves of white, like millions of bright eyes, staring at spring Xiuse.

近年来准分子激光角膜手术迅速发展,人眼波前像差的矫正成为该领域研究的热点问题。Modern corneal laser surgery has been one of the effective methods for refractive error correction and wavefront aberration correction in recent years.

我思,相思的泪便会倾洒下来,流水映星月的眼波一闪,我便出现在你面前。I miss you, and the missing tears start to pour. When you blink your eyes amidst the moonlight, the stars, I will suddenly appear right in front of you.

为了能够得出结论,当45位美国学生和中国学生在审视复杂背景下能够反映单个焦点物体的时候,研究人员对他们的眼波运动进行了测量。To find out, the researchers measured eye movements of 45 u. s. and chinese students as they looked at photographs that featured single focal objects against complex backgrounds.

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独安闲海滩柔软的沙土游荡,在那大海呼息的傍边,连同母亲眼波般输卵管原始热和的星星,在外面映照摹仿那活动优美的羊水。All alone and free in the soft sands of the beach by the sigh of the sea out there, with the Ma-Wink fallopian virgin warm star reflecting on the outer channel fluid belly waters.

采用了具有主观视觉补偿的人眼波前像差测量方法,进行了理论分析及实验验证,在客观测量的同时进行了主观视觉补偿,得出测量的准确数据。The Result shows the wave-front aberration obtained from subjective visual compensation measuring method smaller than objective measurement, which is the result of adaptive correction.