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高高在上和散那。Hosanna in the highest.

他看人的眼神还是那种高高在上的神态。His stare is one of regal aloofness.

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我觉得我在被高高在上的葡萄嘲笑!I feel that I'm humble as a servent!

不要表现出一副高高在上的样子。Don't act so all-fired high and mighty.

他,高高在上,我感觉自己只不过是地底泥。He, high above, I feel only to sediment.

我试着不去指挥它,不扮演高高在上的神的角色。I try not to dictate it, not to play God.

那两只眼的大怪上帝依然高高在上。That two-eyed monster God is still above.

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圣瓦伦丁河啊,你戴着王冠高高在上。Saint Valentine thou who art crowned aloft.

但我能确定糖价在未来数年将高高在上。I do know sugar will be much higher in years to come.

女人想要在社会阶梯中显得高高在上的男人。Women want men that appear high on the social ladder.

惠特福德先生高高在上,从来不注意小人物。Mr. Whitford stands aloof from any notice of small fry.

她五音不全却自认为是高高在上的一流歌手。She is a very poor singer but she thinks she's the bee's knees.

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我,高高在上的惣流·明日香·兰格雷,会真的在乎别人?Me, the great Sohryu Asuka Langley, actually caring for someone?

很快,我们坐进了燥热、拥挤的戏院,而且高高在上。Soon we were sitting high up in a very hot, very crowded theatre.

高高在上的天空与,下面的世界确实密不可分。The sky, the world above, is really bound up with the world below.

你们一直习惯于高高在上,但是你们终究会退居次席。You are so used to being on top, but you will drop to second place.

美国的声誉在粪坑里,而中国则高高在上。America's reputation is in the toilet, while China's is on the rise.

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那个妖精在发抖,不敢正视高高在上的那双红眼睛。The goblin was trembling, unable to meet the red eyes high above his.

我们从来不会让一名高高在上的政府官员替所有人做决定。We don�t have one decision made at the top by one government official.

我们认识到想要让你的思想为世人了解接受,你就必须接地气,而非依靠那些高高在上的竞选者。We learned we needed boots on the ground to sell ideas, not candidates.