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相约爱到永远永远。And swore eternal love.

品味生活,相约帝豪!Taste life, meet in Royal!

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我们相约约塞米蒂国家公园。We were at Yosemite national park.

相约海船后,笛风微入我喉。After the sea-ship, after the whistling winds.

慢慢地,一些年轻的女生相约而来,想探个究竟。Slowly, young women trickled in to take a look.

牵手世界,相约上海,心系中国。—张雪华。Hand the world, Meet in Shanghai, China in mind.

今日一大早,咱们相约在车站晤面。Today we met at the bus stop early in the morning.

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假如你不能再回还,岂能相约永相爱。If I see you next to never , how can we say forever.

我们下星期的同一时间相约乌卡黑皮英语。Meet us next week at the same time Ucar Black English.

参议员威尔逊和霍华德相约不参加对税收案的投票。Senators Wilson and Howard paired off on the revenue bill.

巴黎之所以浪漫,是因为恋人相约在那里想见。Pairs is romanic because of lovers meet each other at there.

首先让我们先为我们能够相约在龙腾热烈的鼓掌。First, let us first for us to Meet at the Dragon warm applause.

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背靠大海,相约来这里照相的情侣们是欢跃的。Proximity to the sea, similar to photography lovers here is Viiv.

背靠大海,相约来这里照相的情侣们是幸福的。Proximity to the sea, similar to photography lovers here is happy.

毕业后一年,七人相约聚会,尽欢而散。Year after graduation, seven similar gatherings, Bomb and unfocused.

我是一名非英语专业的研究生,很高兴与大家相约在雨巷寻香论坛。The name I use at this forum is Joylu60, because I'm already retired.

亲爱的陌生人,相约来到潭南,为自己的人生,做一个不一样的选择。They arrive Tan-Nan Village to make a different choice for their life.

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我又和妹妹相约来到田野,发现春在田野里。Meet sister and I went to the fields and found the spring in the fields.

这个夏天,六个毕业的年青人相约往沙滩露营,纪念青春的流逝。Six graduates go to summer camp on the beach to elapse their youthfulness.

如果您想获得一份夏日的清凉与闲适,快来与我相约吧!If you are raring for a cool summer with ease, come and date with me, honey!