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来回神山公园总部至登山闸口之接送。Roundtrip transfer between Kinabalu Park HQ & Gate.

三个人死后,当他们到了浅蓝色的闸口。Three guys died. When they got to the pearly gates.

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闸口往往会聚集许多小鱼。There are usually lots of small fish at the water-gate.

根据计划,新闸口将于今年的十月份竣工。As per the plan, the new gatehouse is scheduled for completion by this October.

码头特别提供专用闸口及车道供客户的车辆进出,方便货车直达货仓交收。The terminal provides exclusive gate-in counter to facilitate vendor delivery to the CFS.

如果我们信用闸口关得太紧,我们就得准备好接受经济的停止。If we close the spigots too tightly, we must be prepared to accept an economy that stagnates.

大会不会向各参赛者提供车位,无许可证车辆不得驶进大尾笃闸口及水库范围。Vehicles shall not enter the entrance of Plover Cove Reservoir as well as the reservoir area without permission.

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大会不会向各参赛者提供车位,无许可证车辆不得驶进入北潭涌闸口及水库范围。Vehicles shall not enter the entrance of Sai Kung Pak Tam Chung as well as the reservoir area without permission.

有官员表示两周前,在电网和密歇根湖附近的一处闸口之间,已发现亚洲鲤鱼的DNA。Officials said two weeks ago that DNA from Asian carp had been found between the barrier and a lock near the lake.

交换地址之后,我们巧妙地拿回护照和签证,跳上车子,驶过闸口。Then we exchanged addresses, and delicately taking back our passports and visas jumped into our cars and drove through the gate!

因此提高码头闸口的通过能力已成为集装箱专用码头迫切需要解决的问题。Therefore, it is an urgent problem for special purpose container terminals to improve the passing capacity of the traditional gate.

请和我们一起走进生命的闸口,亲自看看这些在医院里发生,不平凡的人生经验。In other words- where the action happens and the drama unfolds. Get onboard as we unravel the unique life experiences of these people.

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消防员扑灭在闸口的Lumpini公园火灾张贴在曼谷市中心,泰国,星期三,2010年5月19日反政府示威者。Firemen douse a fire at a barricade of Lumpini Park put up by anti-government protesters in downtown Bangkok, Thailand, Wednesday, May 19, 2010.

你的朋友已在机场的国际航机候机处等候你。他刚见到你从闸口走出来。Your friend has been waiting for you at the International Arrivals area in the airport. He has just spotted you coming through the arrival gate.

大中型水库溢洪道多采用钢闸口,它的腐蚀问题都不同程度存在,分析了钢闸门的腐蚀机理与防护办。The paper analyzed the erosion mechanism and protection method steel gates that are widely used in spillways of large and medium sized reservoirs.

此事件可以绑定到闸口门打开、动作传感器触发或闸口门管理人员触发的其他输入。This event could be tied to the opening of a dock door, the triggering of a motion sensor, or by some other input triggered by a dock door attendant.

考虑一类符合闸口原则的排队系统,利用分支过程的技巧和方法,得到了其一个忙期内的平均顾客数。By using technology of branching processes, the explicit expression of the expected number of customers in busy period with gated discipline is obtained.

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以终审法院裁决给生于香港的宝宝居留权为标志,闸口从2001年打开。The floodgates opened in 2001 after a landmark Court of Final Appeal ruling, which gave right of abode in Hong Kong to babies born here to mainland parents.

工作时,控制系统根据料位仪传来的信号自动开启或关闭电动闸板阀闸口。When in work, the control system automatically opens or closes the gate of the electric flashboard valve according to the signals sent by the material level meters.

以天鹅洲长江故道湿地自然保护区为例,根据风险分析理论对促进江湖联系的闸口调度的防洪排涝风险进行了研究。On the basis of risk analysis theory, the flood risk of ecology-based sluice operation in connection lakes and the Yangtze River is studied with a case of Tianezhou wetland.