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你真的是霹雳娇娃!You are a Charlie's Angel!

一声霹雳震动了群山。A clap of thunder wakes the hills.

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我妹妹向他甩出一记霹雳。My sister throws a firebolt at him.

他的死讯像一声霹雳般地传来。The news of his death came as a thunderbolt.

并立即有一个响亮的霹雳。And immediately there was a loud thunderclap.

开始时在一个地方叫便宜霹雳。Started off in a place called Cheap Charlies.

霹雳一声震天下,杨副科长下了岗!Thunder sound world, the vice chief of a post!

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一声有说服力的霹雳通过这话隆隆炸出。A convincing thunder rumbled through the words.

〔一阵阵的霹雳炸雷吓坏了所有的人。Furiouss blasts of thunder frightened everybody.

霹雳游侠迷,盖瑞史考特汤普森这里。Hey Knight Rider fans, Gary Scott Thompson here.

唯一清楚的是,霹雳猫们都已经悄然走啦。The only sure thing? Thundercats were totally go.

霹雳闪电-我非常非常可怕。Thunderbolt and lightning-very very frightening me.

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突然间一阵可怖的霹雳当头响了起来。Suddenly there comes a terrible thunderclap overhead.

突然间,一阵可怕的霹雳当头响了起来。Suddenly there comes a terrible thunderclap overhead.

然而,我也疯狂于霹雳布袋戏。However , I am also crazy about Pili Hand Puppet Shows.

霹雳猫们其实兼具两者的特征。The Thundercats were actually somewhere between the two.

新队伍“霹雳火”在第一天就给了王星一个大大的下马威。New team fire bang on the first day gave wang a big duel.

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朱庇特右手发射的霹雳总是寻找高处。Thunderbolt speed by jove's right hand seek out the height.

早餐后前往参观怡保霹雳洞。After breakfast processed to Perak Tong Cave Temple at Ipoh.

随即响起了一声霹雳,我不禁跳了起来。In spite of myself, I jump at the following crack of thunder.