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我们已经坐了好几个礼拜的船了,我真希望我们现在是在苏俄的家里。We've been on this ship for weeks.

直到二战为止,苏俄是唯一存在的共产政权的实例。Until World War II, Soviet Russia was the only example of a Communist regime.

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苏俄的军队已经侵入乔治亚,该国也传出令人悚然的报导。Russian Troops have invaded. Horrifying reports are coming out of the country.

关于孙中山晚年民族主义的“苏俄转向”的解释,学界一直聚讼纷纭。There is disagreement on Sun Yat-sen's nationalism transition and Soviet Union in academia.

视频开头拍摄的是该男子在严冬中处在一栋苏俄式大楼顶楼的公寓里。It begins with the man in his flat at the top of a Soviet-style block in the depths of winter.

与法国同盟的苏俄侵入东普鲁士,而导致了德国在这两方的前线开战。Russia an ally of France invaded East Prussia resulting in the Germans fighting on two fronts.

作为这场战争的牺牲品,在苏俄战俘和移民身上发生了什么呢?What happened to the victims of this military escapade, the soviet POW and relocated citizens?

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苏俄的飞行员驾机接近开罗时,会使用英语要求降落指示。The pilots of a Russian plane approaching Cairo will use English to ask for landing instructions.

并且,这些捧读者中读的都是大部头的托翁、陀翁等苏俄大师的名著。Moreover, these holding readers are reading voluminous care Weng Weng Tuo Soviet masters classics.

1918年苏俄宪法确认了最高国家权力机关监督制。The 1918 Soviet Russia constitution validated the highest organ of state power supervision system.

看到桌子上那个7厘米的喷雾器了吗?这就是苏俄航天事业的起点。Do yousee a 7 cm spray on the table? That's the thing that gavebirth to all Soviet and Russian cosmos.

这段历史是苏俄和共产国际与中国革命实质关系的开端。The process was the beginning of real cooperation between Soviet Russia and the Communist Internatinal.

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在一战和苏俄的影响下,匈牙利成立了库恩•贝拉政权。Under influence of the First World War and Soviet Russia, Bela Kun Regime also was established in Hungary.

威尔逊政府的苏俄政策在美国外交史占有重要地位。Wilson Administration's Soviet Russian policy holds an important position in the American diplomatic history.

他们希望一种可以携带核弹穿越地球,在几小时内,到达苏俄。They needed a plane that could carry nuclear bombs across the globe, to the Soviet Union, in only a few hours.

现代的侦查监督渊源于苏俄法系的法律监督理论。Modern investigation and supervision originates from law supervision theory of Soviet Russia and Russia law system.

“西安事变”始终是围绕苏俄远东战略安全的核心利益展开的。The "Xi'an Incident" developed completely around the Soviet's core interests of strategic security in the Far East.

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苏俄在东欧构建了一个社会主义国家贸易集团,其减少了对西方国家的依赖。Soviet Russia had carved out a trading bloc of communist states in Eastern Europe, which limited reliance on the West.

但行动本身对于中国与苏俄关系的发展起到了一定的促进作用。However, it somewhat pushed forward the development of Sino-Soviet Russia relations and laid a solid foundation for it.

维果茨基是苏俄心理科学的主要奠基者,社会文化历史学派的创始人。Vykotsky is one of the founders of SovietRussian mental science and an initiator of the socioculturalhistorical school.