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她没有讲话不清。She didn't slur.

我讲话,爱动。I do speak, move.

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不要在课常上讲话!Dont talk in class!

不但如此,我还时常和她讲话。I also talk to her.

请停止讲话。Please estop talking.

我能和张先生讲话吗?Can I eak to Mr Zhang?

我可以和潴潴讲话吗?Could I speak to Dodo?

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他讲话讲得我们都睡着了。He talked us to sleep.

我可以和潴潴讲话吗?May I speak to zhuzhu?

读书周期间禁止在堂上讲话。Don't the Reading Week.

但是,我的讲话十分坦率。But let me be very frank.

可以跟陈蜜斯讲话吗?。May I speak to Miss Chen?

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我可以请蒋先生讲话吗?May I speak to Mr. Chang?

在电视新闻节目不断讲话?Talk non-stop on news TV?

那长篇讲话使我们厌倦了。The long speech bored us.

他命令我们不要讲话。He ordained us not to talk.

他停下来跟我讲话。He stopped to talk with me.

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卓卓,我可以和你讲话吗?。In that, you can change it.

我可胰吒钞德华师长教师讲话吗?。May I speak to Mr. Edwards?

在他讲话时两个人走了过来。As he spoke two men came up.