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深受商州历史文化濡染的“保守——进取”型民俗。Shang Zhou history and culture cultivating "Conservative-Initiative" folklore.

在"童心说"思想形成过程中,在受到佛教思想影响的同时,也受到伊斯兰教因子的濡染。In the road of shaping of Tongxin Shuo, both of Buddhism Islam have significant impacts.

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与西方小说相比,中国古典小说预叙极为发达,这离不开传统文化的浸润与濡染。It is different from the West novels that there are many pre-narratives in the Chinese classical novels.

唐浩明的家世背景和工作环境,促成湖湘文化对他的长期濡染。Tang Haoming is deeply influenced by Huxiang Culture because of his family background and working environment.

东汉著名学者荀悦深受儒家经学濡染,同时也多得道家思想之沾溉。Xunyue, a famous scholar in the dynasty of Eastenhan, was influenced not only by Confucianism but also by Taoism.

学校教育要充分利用自然美、社会美和艺术美,使学生获得思想濡染和人格塑造。School education should cultivate the students by the beauty of nature, the beauty of society and the beauty of arts.

他的思维基质是感应思维,一种源于商州民间信仰文化的濡染的,与“灵——实”关系选择密切相关的审美认知方式。The basis for his thinking is responsive thinking, which derives from the influence of the folk faith in Shangzhou Region.

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变混蛋也能濡染,和他们呆的时间越长,也越有可能染上混蛋的习惯也许就为混蛋。Being an asshole is a contagious disease. The more time you spend around one the more likely you are to catch it and become one too.

变混蛋也能濡染,和他们呆的时间越长,也越有或许染上混蛋的习气恐怕就为混蛋。Being an butt is a contagious diseottom. The more time you spend around one. the more likely you should stay cwithch it and turn into one too.

巴金的个性气质,外来文化因素的影响,传统文化观念的濡染,成就了巴金人格精神的崇高与伟大。His personality, the influence of foreign culture and the gradual influence of traditional culture created his great character and noble spirit.

废名极力抒写儿童世界中未被世俗濡染的纯真,在他笔下的小儿女们表现出人类至善至美的一面,承载着废名内心对纯真自由之境的无限向往。In order to elaborate this kind of emotion, Feiming contrasted the world of child and adults. Feiming strongly described the innocence in the world of children.

海盐腔是两者融合的产物。它是在明代民间戏曲蓬勃发展过程中,文人濡染、参与和推动南戏改革的结果。Haiyan Tone originated as these two styles of singing came together in Ming dynasty when literati were devoted to the reform of south opera with the folk opera in its robust growth.

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个体内因、同伴关系影响、家庭环境濡染及社会环境影响,无疑是青少年产生偏差行为基本的原因层面。The basic causes of adolescents' deviant behaviors include the following such as individual internal reasons, influences from partner-relationships, and influences from families and the society.

第三章分析“中年写作”观念,认为此观念的精神支柱,外表上是罗兰·巴尔特有关秋天状态的后现代式隐喻,内核则是在文化传统濡染中形成的士大夫情结——怀旧。Barthes' postmodern metaphor of autumnal state, whereas it is essentially a kind of nostalgic complex of scholar-bureaucrats that comes into being from their long immersion in traditional culture.