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很好。公野驴回到了他野驴妈妈的家中。Fine. The wild ass boy came home to his wild ass mother.

驴是非洲野驴的一种已驯化的品种。The donkey is a domesticated form of the African wild ass.

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空虚的人却毫无知识。人生在世好像野驴的驹子。For vain man would be wise, though man be born like a wild ass's colt.

空虚的人却毫无知识。人生在世好像野驴的驹子。For vain men would be wise, though man be born like a wild ass's colt.

除野驴外,所有的野生动物的数量仍有下降的趋势。The trend of all species, except possibly the kulan, is still downward.

公马和母野驴杂交的情况不多,生出的是驴骡,体型比一般骡小。The less common cross of a female ass and a male horse is called a hinny.

老虎对野驴的袭击,蜘蛛对苍蝇的袭击。The attack of the tiger on the wild ass, the attack of the spider on the fly.

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在大斋节之前,鬣狗粪便中约15%的皮毛来自野驴。Before Lent, about 15 percent of hair in hyena scat samples came from hunted donkeys.

同时,采取扫描取样法,观测蒙古野驴的主要行为种类及其时间分配。Also the scan sampling method was used to observe main behavior types and time pattern.

在无人区的动物种类中,最大的群落要数藏羚羊、藏野驴和野牦牛三种。The three largest communities here are Tibetan antelope, Tibetan wild donkey, and wild yak.

自从振奋人心的那天开始,我和研究同仁至少已经辨识出45匹在梅西尔高原上的非洲野驴。Since that exciting day, my colleagues and I have identified at least 45 asses that inhabit the plateau.

小队现在有一张犁,他们常常用两头野驴拉犁,象约克州和肯特基的真正的耕牛一样。The colony now possessed a plow, to which the onagers were yoked like regular Yorkshire or Kentucky oxen.

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1994年我出发前往丹纳基尔沙漠研究非洲野驴时,那里已经有20年没有这种动物的记录。When I set out to search for the African wild ass in the Danakil in 1994 , no sightings had been documented for 20 years.

狮子同意以自己的力量帮助野驴,而野驴则使狮子从他的奔跑迅速而受益。The lion agreed to assist the wild ass with his strength, while the wild ass gave the lion the benefit of his greater speed.

驴是非洲野驴的一种已驯化的品种,几千年来一直被用驮载重物。The donkey is a domesticated form of the African wild ass which has been used for thousands of years for carrying heavy loads.

今日在美国广大旳西部地区仍有少数地方有野马和野驴,想必可用来取代─些美国已灭绝旳物种。Today's feral horses and asses that live in some areas throughout the West are plausible substitutes for extinct American species.

今日在美国广大的西部地区仍有少数地方有野马和野驴,想必可用来取代一些美国已灭绝的物种。Today's feral horses and asses that live in some areas throughout the West are plausible substitutes for extinct American species.

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事实上这里也是记录中,非洲野驴族群密度最高的地方,平均每100平方公里内就有50匹。And in fact this area has the highest population density of this species ever recorded—approximately 50 asses per 100 square kilometers.

到这时候为止,他们在高地上已经开拓了三英亩的土地,其余的部分为了照顾野驴的缘故,还保留着草地。About this time the settlers cleared three acres of the plateau, and the rest was preserved in a wild state, for the benefit of the onagers.

原始的大面积草场是天然的动物乐园,生活藏羚羊、岩羊、野驴、野牦牛等许多野生动物。The large area of aboriginal grassland is a paradise for wild animals, such as the Tibetan antelope, blue sheep, wild donkeys and wild yaks.